Introduction to storing Workflow Manager workspace in SQL Server


This guidebook is intended to help database administrators establish the ArcGIS Workflow Manager workspace in an enterprise geodatabase for SQL Server. The enterprise geodatabase uses ArcSDE technology as the gateway between geographic information system (GIS) clients and SQL Server. The Workflow Manager workspace uses ArcSDE, and this guidebook covers the best practices to create the ArcSDE instance.

For the Workflow Manager applications to function, all the Workflow Manager system tables must exist in the database, and of those, the tables that host required configuration information must be populated with values that will drive the application behavior. The sections in this guidebook detail how to create and start configuring the Workflow Manager system tables.

Before you can install the Workflow Manager system tables into an ArcSDE instance, you must properly set up the instance to receive the repository; the following sections show how to accomplish this task.

ArcSDE service software installation

Connections to enterprise geodatabases use direct connections by default, but the ArcSDE application service is required if you want to connect to your geodatabase using the ArcSDE service connections. Direct connections are recommended.

If you will only be using direct connections and don't want the administration command line tools, ArcSDE installation isn't required.

If you want to install the ArcSDE application service and the administration command line tools, you need to download the ArcSDE installation files for your database management system and operating system from the Esri Customer Care portal. It may be useful to install the ArcSDE administration command line tools to perform certain advanced configuration operations.

For more information on ArcSDE services, see What is an ArcSDE service?

SQL Server installation

Before starting this guidebook, install SQL Server 2012 on a Windows operating system. The default settings for the SQL Server database management system work well with ArcSDE. Configure the instance to accept remote connections.

When you install SQL Server, be sure to install Full-Text Search.

