Exercise 2: Designing a new task assistant workflow

複雑性: 初級 データ要件: ソフトウェアと共にインストール済み データ パス: \Program Files\ArcGIS\Task Assistant Manager\Desktop10.1\Data\Getting Started 目的: Learn how to create a new workflow.

In this exercise, you are going to start designing a task assistant workflow by adding a task assistant workflow node.

  1. Click the New Workflow button New Workflow on the Task Assistant window.

    A new workflow node appears.

  2. Click to highlight the node.
  3. Click the Designer tab.

    Designer tab

  4. Click the cell next to Name, double-click the existing text, then type New House and Driveway.
  5. Press the ENTER key.

    The task assistant workflow appears as follows:

    Step 5 results

A new workflow has been added to Task Assistant Manager. To proceed to the next exercise, click Exercise 3: Adding a step with navigation tools.
