Trace Geometric Network (データ管理)

ライセンス レベル:BasicStandardAdvanced


Solves the specified network analysis problem based on the flags, barriers, and specified weight properties.



TraceGeometricNetwork_management (in_geometric_network, out_network_layer, in_flags, in_trace_task_type, {in_barriers}, {in_junction_weight}, {in_edge_along_digitized_weight}, {in_edge_against_digitized_weight}, {in_disable_from_trace}, {in_trace_ends}, {in_trace_indeterminate_flow}, {in_junction_weight_filter}, {in_junction_weight_range}, {in_junction_weight_range_not}, {in_edge_along_digitized_weight_filter}, {in_edge_against_digitized_weight_filter}, {in_edge_weight_range}, {in_edge_weight_range_not})
パラメータ説明データ タイプ

The geometric network on which the trace will be performed.

Geometric Network

The name of the group layer that will store the results of the trace as a selected set.

Group Layer

A point feature class representing a set of flags which serve as starting points for the tracing operation. For example, if you are performing an upstream trace, you use a flag to specify where the upstream trace will begin. Flags can be placed anywhere along edges or junctions, but junctions will be considered first when both a junction and edge are found at the location.

Feature Layer

Trace task to be performed on the specified geometric network.

  • FIND_COMMON_ANCESTORS Find the common features that are upstream of a set of points in your network. Requires flow direction to be set on the geometric network.
  • FIND_CONNECTEDFind the features that are connected to a given point through your network.
  • FIND_LOOPS Find loops within the network that are defined by determining for each connected feature, on which you placed a flag, the features that loop back on themselves (that is, can't be reached from more than one direction).
  • FIND_DISCONNECTED Find all of the features that are not connected to a given point through your network.
  • FIND_PATH_UPSTREAM Find an upstream path from a point in your network. The path found can be just one of a number of paths depending on whether or not your network contains loops. The flags you place on the network can be a mixture of edge flags and junction flags. Requires a weight to be defined for the trace and flow direction to be set on the geometric network. When a weight is not specified, the shortest path is determined by the least number of features between the two points.
  • FIND_PATH Find a path between two or more flags in the network. The path found can be just one of a number of paths between the flags depending on whether or not your network contains loops. The flags you place on the network must be either all edge flags or all junction flags. When a weight is not specified, the shortest path is determined by the least number of features between the two points.
  • TRACE_DOWNSTREAMFind all network features that lie downstream (with flow direction) of a given point in your network. Requires flow direction to be set on the geometric network.
  • FIND_UPSTREAM_ACCUMULATION Determine the total cost of all network features that lie upstream of a given point in your network. Requires a weight be defined for the trace and flow direction to be set on the geometric network.
  • TRACE_UPSTREAM Find all features that lie upstream (against flow direction) of a given point in your network. Requires flow direction to be set on the geometric network.

A point feature class representing a set of barriers defining places in the network, past which, traces cannot continue. If you are only interested in tracing on a particular part of your network, you can use barriers to isolate that part of the network. Barriers can be placed anywhere along edges or junctions, but junctions will be considered first when both a junction and edge are found at the location. The feature will be treated as disabled and will not be considered during the trace, unless you've set the Limit results to features stopping the trace parameter to TRACE_ENDS parameter to purposefully find features stopping the trace.

Feature Layer

A junction weight that is used as a cost for traversing through any junction. The weight must already be defined for the given geometric network. This parameter is disabled or ignored when one of the following cost-independent trace task types is specified:


An edge weight that is used as a cost for traversing through an edge along the digitized direction of that edge. The weight must already be defined for the given geometric network. This parameter is disabled or ignored when one of the following cost-independent trace task types is specified:


An edge weight that is used as a cost for traversing through an edge against the digitized direction of that edge. The weight must already be defined for the given geometric network. This parameter is disabled or ignored when one of the following cost-independent trace task types is specified:


List of feature classes that are disabled from participating in the trace. Specifying a feature class as disabled makes the trace operation treat all features in that feature class as either being disabled or as having a barrier placed on them. Use this option to exclude an entire feature class from consideration during a trace. For example, by disabling the switches layer in an electrical distribution network, setting the Limit results to features stopping the trace parameter to TRACE_ENDS and tracing from a given point in the network, you can find the switches that need to be thrown to isolate this point from the network; these will be the features at which the trace operation is stopped.


Indicates whether the trace should include all features or only those stopping the trace. Use this option when you need to determine which features are stopping a trace. In order to be returned from the trace operation with this option, features must fall into one of the following categories:

  • The feature is connected to only one other geometric network feature (dead ends).
  • The feature is disabled (including those in disabled feature classes).
  • The feature has a barrier placed on it.
  • TRACE_ENDSInclude those features stopping the trace.
  • NO_TRACE_ENDSInclude all features. This is the default.

Indicates whether the trace should include all features or only those stopping the trace.

  • TRACE_INDETERMINATE_FLOWTrace features that have indeterminate or uninitialized flow direction.
  • NO_TRACE_INDETERMINATE_FLOWDo not trace features that have indeterminate or uninitialized flow direction. This is the default.

Only honored when one flow-dependent trace task type is set:


The weight to use to create the junction weight filter which is used to filter junction features during the trace.


Specifies valid or invalid ranges of weight values for network features that can be traced. It is disabled when a cost-independent trace task type is set. In order to create a weight filter, you must specify valid weight ranges for the features. A weight filter can be composed of a number of ranges. When you specify multiple weight ranges, you must delimit the ranges with commas. Low and high values in a range are separated by a hyphen. Ranges consisting of a single value do not contain a hyphen and are delimited with commas, for example, 0-2,3,6,7-10.


Applies the logical NOT operator to the specified junction weight ranges. By default, the junction weight ranges that you enter specify junction features that can be traced. By checking this option, you indicate that junction features with weights in the ranges you entered cannot be traced.

  • AS_ISWeight ranges specify features that can be traced. This is the default.
  • NOTWeight ranges specify features that cannot be traced.

The weight to use to create the along edge weight filter, which is used to filter edge features during the trace.


The weight to use to create the against edge weight filter, which is used to filter edge features during the trace.


Specifies valid or invalid ranges of weight values for network features that can be traced. It is disabled when a cost-independent trace task type is set. In order to create a weight filter, you must specify valid weight ranges for the features. A weight filter can be composed of a number of ranges. When you specify multiple weight ranges, you must delimit the ranges with commas. Low and high values in a range are separated by a hyphen. Ranges consisting of a single value do not contain a hyphen and are delimited with commas, for example, 0-2,3,6,7-10.


Applies the logical NOT operator to the specified edge weight ranges. By default, the edge weight ranges that you enter specify edge features that can be traced. By checking this option, you indicate that edge features with weights in the ranges you entered cannot be traced.

  • AS_ISWeight ranges specify features that can be traced. This is the default.
  • NOTWeight ranges specify features that cannot be traced.


TraceGeometricNetwork example 1 (stand-alone script)

The following stand-alone Python script demonstrates how to use the TraceGeometricNetwork function in Python scripting to run a Find Connected Trace on a geometric network with Flags and no Barriers.

# Import arcpy module
import arcpy

# Local variables:
gnVersionFDS_Net = "C:/GeometricNetworks/GeometricNetwork.gdb/gnVersionFDS_with_GN/gnVersionFDS_1_Net"
Flags = "C:/GeometricNetworks/GeometricNetwork.gdb/gnVersionFDS_with_GN/Flags"
gnVersionFDS_1 = "gnVersionFDS_1_Net"

# Process: Trace Geometric Network, gnVersionFDS_1, Flags, "FIND_CONNECTED", "", "", "", "", "", "NO_TRACE_ENDS", "", "", "", "AS_IS", "", "", "", "AS_IS")
TraceGeometricNetwork example 2 (stand-alone script)

The following stand-alone Python script demonstrates how to use the TraceGeometricNetwork function in Python scripting to run a Find Path Trace on a geometric network with Flags and no Barriers with a weight called Friction_Factor and a weight filter of 1 to 10.

# Import arcpy module
import arcpy

# Local variables:
Water_Net = "C:/GeometricNetworks/Montgomery.gdb/Water/Water_Net"
Flags = "C:/GeometricNetworks/Montgomery.gdb/Water/Flags"
Water_Net_2 = "Water_Net"

# Process: Trace Geometric Network, Water_Net_2, Flags, "FIND_PATH", "", "", "Friction_Factor", "Friction_Factor", "", "NO_TRACE_ENDS", "", "", "", "AS_IS", "Friction_Factor", "Friction_Factor", "1-10", "AS_IS")





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