Detect Measures Out Of Range (Roads and Highways)
Checks routes on a network for out-of-range line and point event measures.
The input Event Layer must be one of the event tables registered with the input Network Layer.
Out-of-range event measures are defined as:
- Less than a route's minimum measure
- Greater than a route's maximum measure
- Within a gap between route measures
The Output Feature Class represents events with measures out of range. If the entire event is out of range, the output shape will be <null>. If a portion of the event is out of range, the output shape will represent the valid portion.
The Output Feature Class contains the following fields: NetworkName, RouteID, TVD (Temporal View Date), EventLayer, FromMeasure, and ToMeasure.
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
in_network |
The network containing the linear event features to be checked for measures out of range. | Feature Layer |
in_event |
The linear event features to be checked for measures out of range. | Feature Layer |
out_feature |
The output feature class containing lines where the measures are out of range. | Feature Class |
in_tvd (Facultatif) |
The temporal view date for the network. | Date |
in_from_measure (Facultatif) |
Defines the lower bound of the portion of the route on which out-of-range measures will be detected. | Double |
in_to_measure (Facultatif) | Defines the upper bound of the portion of the route on which out-of-range measures will be detected. | Double |
in_tolerance (Facultatif) |
Tolerance, in LRM (Linear Referencing Method) units, used to compare events on routes. | Double |
Exemple de code
The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the DetectMeasuresOutOfRange function in immediate mode.
# tool variables
# set current workspace
# execute the tool
arcpy.DetectMeasuresOutOfRange_roads(in_network, in_event, out_features, "2/28/2014", "", "", "")
The following Python script demonstrates how to use DetectMeasuresOutOfRange in a stand-alone Python script.
# Name: Detect Measures Out of
# Description: Convert Roads and Highways Network Layer to Layer and Detect Measures Out Of Range for Events in a file geodatabase
# Requires: Esri Roads and Highways Solution
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
# Check out any necessary licenses
# Local variables
network = r"C:\Data\NY_Data.gdb\LRSN_MilePoint"
event = r"C:\Data\NY_Data.gdb\LRSE_Speed_Limit"
invalid_Measure_Output = r"C:\Data\Outputs.gdb\Invalid_Measure_Output"
# Process: Detect Measure out of range for event
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = 1
arcpy.DetectMeasuresOutOfRange_roads(network, events, invalid_Measure_Output)