Loading additional and updated routes

Periodically, you may receive additional or updated routes that need to be added to an existing LRS Network with routes. An example might be receiving routes from a county or municipality that need to be loaded into an existing state route network to create a complete statewide LRM. These additional and updated routes can be added to your network using the Load Routes tool.

The tool will compare the route IDs of the feature class containing the additional or updated routes to the existing network feature class. Any route IDs in the new or updated routes feature class, not presented in the existing network feature class, will be treated as new routes and loaded into the LRS Network. Any route IDs in the new or updated routes feature class, matching existing routes in the network feature class, will be treated as an updated version of that route. The existing route will be removed from the LRS Network, centerline feature class, centerline sequence, and route tables. The route in the new or updated routes feature class will be loaded into the network and minimum schema items.

Before you load your new or updated routes, it is suggested you determine which routes are new, have updated shapes, updated attributes, or haven't changed compared to the existing routes in your LRS Network. The Detect Feature Changes geoprocessing tool can be used to accomplish this task. Comparing the new or updated routes against the existing network feature class produces an output of which routes are new, have spatial attribute (shape) changes, have attribute changes, or no changes at all.

Example results from Detect Feature Changes tool
Using these results, you can determine which routes it would be logical to load using the Load Routes tool (such as new or attribute-changed routes) and which routes are better suited having the existing route edited using the Roads and Highways editing tools (such as shape changes that mirror an editing activity like realignment).

RemarqueRemarque :

If you load an updated route to an existing network, any events on that route will have their shapes regenerated. No event behaviors will be applied.

Similar to the Loading Routes tool, the additional or updated routes you will use while loading route updates should have at least one text field with the route ID. If your network has a concatenated route ID of more than one field, your source routes will still need a text field composed of all those fields concatenated together to complete data loading. Each route in your additional or updated routes should have a single route ID for each record. If your additional or updated routes have more than one record with the same route ID and from date, only one record for each route ID will be loaded. If your additional or updated routes have multipart features or routes with physical gaps, they can still be loaded using the Load Routes tool as long as there is a single route ID for each record in the additional or updated routes, whether it is a single or multipart feature. Consider editing your additional or updated routes using geoprocessing tools, such as Dissolve, to ensure there is a single record for each route ID before using the Load Routes tool.

In order to load route updates and calibrate them properly, source data should not contain any curves. If your additional or updated routes contain curves, you can run the Densify geoprocessing tool on the routes before loading route updates to ensure they will load and calibrate properly. For more information on the Densify tool, see Densify.

Etapes :
  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. In the Catalog window, expand the ALRS in the target geodatabase, right-click the LRS Network, and click Load Routes.
    Open the Load Routes Updates tool

    The ALRS will detect that routes are present in the LRS Network and the Load Routes Updates dialog box appears.

    Load Routes Updates dialog box

  3. Click the browse button next to Polyline Feature Class and select your additional or updated source polyline routes feature class.
    • The additional or updated source polyline routes feature class does not need to be in the same geodatabase as your ALRS.
    • If you have a large additional or updated source polyline routes feature class and your ALRS is in a multiuser geodatabase, the database may run out of memory during the route loading process. Contact your database administrator to increase the memory before loading large datasets.
    • If your additional or updated source routes have subtypes or coded value domains for fields in the route ID that match those in the network feature class, they will be copied to the LRS Network. For more information, see Coded value domains and subtypes.
  4. Click the Route ID Field drop-down arrow and select the route ID that contains the additional or updated routes from your polyline feature class. This field should match the field used when you completed initial loading of routes for this network.
    Select the route ID
    • All string fields within the selected polyline feature class will be available in the drop-down list.
    • If you chose multiple fields to create your route ID during LRS Network creation, the concatenated network route ID must match the route ID you select from your source polyline feature class. If it does not match, your updated routes will not be loaded.
    • If the route ID for the routes that are updates does not match the route ID for the routes they are intended to replace, the routes will be loaded as new routes, and the routes intended to be replaced will remain in the network.
    • If your source data has multiple records with the same RouteID and From Date values, only one record for each route ID will be loaded. To ensure all records in the source data are loaded correctly, consider using the Dissolve geoprocessing tool to get a single route for each route ID. For more information, see Using concatenated route identifiers.
  5. If your additional or updated routes have temporality, click the From Date Field drop-down arrow and select the field with the from date from the polyline feature class. This field should match the field used when you completed initial loading of routes for this network.
    Select the from and to date fields

    If your routes do not have temporality, leave this field blank and your additional or updated routes will automatically be assigned a null value.

  6. If your routes have temporality, click the To Date Field drop-down arrow and select the field with the to date from the polyline feature class. This field should match the field used when you completed initial loading of routes for this network.

    If your routes do not have temporality, leave this field blank and your additional or updated routes will automatically be assigned a null value.

    RemarqueRemarque :

    Both the From Date Field and To Date Field lists will show only date fields from the additional or updated routes polyline feature class selected in step 3.

  7. Click the Route table column drop-down arrow in the Route Attributes Mapping area and choose an option to match the field in your polyline feature class with the field in the route table in the Route Attributes Mapping dialog box.
    Mapping extra fields, time range overlaps, and network rules
    • If the column from your source data is already present in the route table, select that field in the Route table column drop-down.
    • If you want to load the column from your source data to a different column in your route table, select that field in the Route table column drop-down.
    • If the column from your source data is not present in the route table and you want it to be created on the route table and have source data added, select <Add to Network> in the Route table column drop-down.
    • If you do not want the source data for a column to be added to the route table and network feature class, select <Do not map> in the Route table column drop-down.
    • If your LRS Network has a concatenated route ID of multiple fields, each of those fields needs to be selected so the records are added to the route table and network feature class correctly. If you leave any of the fields composing the concatenated route ID empty, you will get an error message and will not be able to proceed until you select all fields composing the route ID. If any of those fields are missing from your additional or updated routes, they will need to be created in order to load route updates.
    • If your additional or updated routes have any new fields that you want to add to the route table and network feature class, select them and they will be loaded with the additional or updated routes.
    • If your additional or updated routes have any fields missing that were previously added to the route table and network feature class and are not part of the concatenated route ID, they will appear as null once loaded.

    If you do not want a field from the additional or updated routes loaded into the route table, choose the empty field in the Route table column list.

  8. If the additional or updated routes in your polyline feature class have temporality, you can optionally check the Allow time range overlaps check box to allow both routes with identical route IDs and overlapping time ranges to be loaded.
    • Any additional or updated routes with the same route ID as an existing route will replace the existing route.
    • If your additional or updated routes contain multiple records with the same route ID and overlapping temporality ranges and you do not want those additional or updated routes to be loaded, uncheck this box. If you don’t have routes with identical route IDs or overlapping time ranges in your additional or updated routes, leave the box checked.
    • If your additional or updated source routes contain multiple records with identical route IDs and overlapping time ranges and you uncheck the check box, the Load route updates tool will not allow you to complete the loading process.
  9. If your data is production level and you want to ensure the route IDs of your additional or updated routes match the padding and null settings for the network, check the Enforce network rules for route IDs check box. If any route IDs do not match the network settings, the data load will fail and a list of records that do not match the settings will be provided. If this route loading is in a nonproduction environment and you want to ignore the network settings, uncheck the check box.
    RemarqueRemarque :

    If you choose to uncheck the check box and ignore the network settings, you still need a field with the route ID. If you are using a concatenated route ID, you will also need to map all the fields that comprise the route ID in step 7.

  10. Click OK.

    In addition to loading data into the centerline feature class, centerline sequence table, and route table, the Load Route Updates tool will rebuild indexes to improve performance when creating calibration points and events in your LRS Network. Depending on the size of your dataset, the route updates loading process could take more than an hour to complete.

    A progress dialog box appears and shows the steps and progress of route loading. When the loading is complete, the Calibration Options dialog box appears.

    Calibration Options window

  11. Complete the steps in the Calibration Options dialog box to generate calibration points for the new routes. For more information about calibration points, see Creating and updating calibration points.
    1. Choose the Calculation Method for your calibration points. The method selected should match the method used when generating the calibration points for the initial route loading process to ensure consistency of calibration for all routes in the network.
    2. Choose the Calibration Direction for your calibration points.
    3. Select the Gap Calibration Type for your calibration points. The method should match the type selected during LRS Network creation.
    4. If you selected STEPPING_INCREMENT or ADDING_INCREMENT for Gap Calibration Type, select the Increment Value you want for routes with physical gaps. This increment should match the increment selected during LRS Network creation.
  12. Click OK.

    Calibration points are created for the additional or updated routes.

  13. Click Done.

    The Question dialog box appears.

    Remove Centerline Geometry Duplication window

  14. Click Yes to run the Remove Centerline Geometry Duplication tool or No to return to ArcMap.