Create Adjoining Sheet Guide Data (Defense Mapping)
Esri Defense Mapping cartographic production tool that creates data used in the adjoining sheet guide of defense mapping templates. This tool uses an input area of interest (AOI) to find surrounding areas of interest. It creates data within those AOIs in the ASG_COAST_L and ASG_LAND_A feature classes.
Input Geodatabase must contain a CARTO dataset. The tool returns error Input geodatabase does not contain the Esri Defense Mapping CARTO feature dataset if the dataset cannot be found. The CARTO dataset must contain the following feature classes:
The tool returns error CARTO dataset is missing required feature class if any of these cannot be found.
Input Area of Interest must have one selected feature. The tool returns Input Area of Interest must have only one selected feature if it detects that zero or more than one features are selected.
The Scale and Input Area of Interest parameters are used together to locate surrounding areas of interest. The extent of the Input Area of Interest is expanded by a factor specified in MIL-T-89301A for scale 1:50000 or MIL-T-89306 for scale 1:100000. The expanded extent is used to select adjoining areas of interest to include in the adjoining sheet guide.
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
Input_Geodatabase |
Geodatabase that contains the CARTO feature dataset and ASG* feature classes. Data created for the adjoining sheet guide is appended to the feature classes in this geodatabase. | Workspace |
Input_Area_of_Interest |
A feature layer with a single selected feature used to identify the center and surrounding areas of interest (AOIs). Adjoining sheet guide data is created within these AOIs. | Feature Layer |
Input_Land_Features | Land features used by the tool to create adjoining sheet guide data in the ASG_COAST_L and ASG_LAND_A feature classes in the input geodatabase. | Feature Layer |
Scale |
Defines a factor by which the extent of the Input Area of Interest is expanded. The expanded extent is used to select adjoining areas of interest. Data from the adjoining areas of interest is included in the adjoining sheet guide.
| String |
Exemple de code
The following code sample demonstrates how to use the CreateAdjoiningSheetGuideData tool.
# set gp environment
arcpy.env.addOutputsToMap = True
# local variables
areaOfInterest = "C:/Program Files (x86)/ArcGIS/EsriDefenseMapping/Desktop10.1/ReferenceData/MapIndex.mdb/MapIndex/TLM100_Index"
landFeatures="C:/Program Files (x86)/ArcGIS/EsriDefenseMapping/Desktop10.1/ReferenceData/MapIndex.mdb/MapIndex/LandPoly"
# create a feature layer for processing
if len(fidlist) == 1:
# execute the CreateAdjoiningSheetGuideData tool
arcpy.CreateAdjoiningSheetGuideData_defense(geodb, areaOfInterestLyr, landFeatures, scale)