Export To MGCP (Defense Mapping)

Niveau de licence :BasicStandardAdvanced


Exports Topographic Features Data Management (TFDM) DatasetAreas and CollectionAreas features to Multinational Geospatial Co-production Program (MGCP) Cell, Subregion, and Source metadata feature classes in an MGCP geodatabase.



ExportToMGCP_defense (in_dataset_areas, in_cell_features)
ParamètreExplicationType de données

The input TFDM DatasetAreas features. The tool reads CollectionAreas features from the same workspace that stores these features.

Feature Layer

The MGCP Cell features the tool will write to. The tool reads Subregion and Source features from the same workspace that stores these features.

Feature Layer

Exemple de code

ExportToMGCP example (stand-alone Python script)

The following script creates new Cell, Subregion, and Source features from TFDM DatasetAreas and CollectionAreas feature classes.

# ExportToMGCP_Example.py
# Description: Exports TFDM metadata to MGCP
# Requirements: Esri Defense Mapping solution

# Import arcpy
import arcpy

# variables for data paths and feature layers
DatasetAreas = "C:\\data\\tfdm.gdb\\LTDS\\DatasetAreas"
Cell = "C:\\data\\TFDM_Metadata_Tool_Data\\Import\\Import_MX_MGCP_TRD3.gdb\\MGCP_Metadata\\Cell"
DatasetArea_features = "DatasetAreas_Layer"
MGCP_Cell_features = "Cell_Layer"

# TFDM DatasetArea feature layer
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(DatasetAreas, DatasetArea_features)

# MGCP Cell Feature Layer
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(Cell, MGCP_Cell_features)

# Export TFDM metadata To MGCP
arcpy.ExportToMGCP_defense(DatasetArea_features, MGCP_Cell_features)



Cet outil n'utilise aucun environnement de géotraitement

Thèmes connexes

Informations de licence

ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: Annuler
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Requis Defense Mapping
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Requis Defense Mapping