Bands From Features (Production Mapping)

Niveau de licence :BasicStandardAdvanced


Converts point, multipoint, polyline, or polygon elevation features within an area of interest (AOI) into polygon band features. Output band size is determined by defining ranges from an input attribute, such as elevation, in the input feature class or layer. A polygon feature class or feature layer defines the AOI.



BandsFromFeatures_production (in_elevation_features, in_bands_units, out_bands_featureclass, in_ranges_as_percent, in_bands_ranges, {in_aoi_features}, {in_aoi_field}, {in_aoi_buffer}, {in_exclusion_features}, {in_rounding_option}, {in_iterations_count}, {in_tolerance}, {in_refine_elevation_model}, {out_triangulation_featureclass}, {out_interpolated_isolines_featureclass}, {out_topological_errors_featureclass})
ParamètreExplicationType de données
[[Feature layer, Field, Linear Unit],...]

The point, multipoint, polyline, or polygon feature layers or feature classes, their attribute fields (value fields) that contain elevation or isoline data, and distance units of those value fields.

Value Table

Output band distance units.

  • METERSOutput distance unit is meters. This is the default.
  • FEETOutput distance unit is feet.

The output feature class that contains the bands created by the tool.

Feature Class

Specifies if the tool interprets range values as values or percentiles.

  • ABSOLUTE_VALUEInterpret range values as values. This is the default.
  • PERCENTILE_VALUEInterpret range values as percentiles.
[[from_value, to_value, range_name],...]

The from-to range values for the bands to be created. The list should contain space-delimited strings with a from value, to value, and a name for the range. A range from 100 to 200 feet could look like this: 100 200 low_elev.

Value Table

Polygon feature layer or feature class defining the area of interest.

Feature Layer

Field containing a unique identifier for each map sheet.


A buffer to apply to input area of interest features. The buffer expands the AOI Feature Class geometry to include features in the Contour Feature Class that lie beyond the boundary of an AOI. This can improve the accuracy of the banding calculation used to generate the elevation tint polygons.

Linear Unit

Polygon feature layers or feature classes used to exclude areas from processing where exclusion and AOI features overlap.

Feature Layer

Specifies whether input values round up, down, or interpolate within their range. Interpolate is the default option.

  • InterpolateEstimate values based on surrounding values. This is the default.
  • Round upRound elevation or isoline values up.
  • Round downRound elevation values down.

Number of times, from 1 to 5, the tool will run on a feature to narrow down the interpolated value. The default is 2.

RemarqueRemarque :

This option is only available if PERCENTILE_VALUE is set for in_ranges_as_percent and in_rounding_option is set to Interpolate.

RemarqueRemarque :

This option is only available if PERCENTILE_VALUE is set for in_ranges_as_percent and in_rounding_option is set to Interpolate.

Otherwise, tolerance is computed from the high and low value in the value field.


Specifies if the tool will run a triangulation algorithm that refines the tool's processing elevation model.

  • REFINE_ELEVATION_MODELRun refine triangulation processing. This is the default.
  • NO_REFINE_ELEVATION_MODELDo not run refine triangulation processing.

The triangulated feature class used to generate bands from features.

Feature Class

Polyline feature class interpolated from Input Elevation Features.

Feature Class

Point feature class that contains topological error features produced during processing. Types of errors include:

  • Dangles: A line endpoint unconnected to any other feature.
  • Different elevations at a point: Multiple points with different elevations at the same location.
  • Intersections: Isoline intersection with equal elevation.
  • Intersection and Elevation: Both intersection and different elevation errors.

Feature Class

Exemple de code

BandsFromFeatures example (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the BandsFromFeatures tool.

import arcpy

# set gp environment
arcpy.env.addOutputsToMap = True
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

# path to the contours feature class
elevations = "TopographicMap/ContourL Elevation Meters"

# output bands feature class
bands = "ElevationBands"

# Range list used to define the bands
rangeList = "0 500 0-500;501 600 500-600;601 700 600-700;800 2000 800-2000"

# execute the tool


Thèmes connexes

Informations de licence

ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: Annuler
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Requis Production Mapping
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Requis Production Mapping