Loading Geonames data into the feature class and table (Defense Mapping)
The Geonames data is loaded into both a feature class and a table. The feature class is composed only of point features, and the table contains fields with information concerning the naming conventions used for the features. The feature class contains the unique feature identifier (UFI) and unique name identifier (UNI), which match the same fields in the Geonames table.

Before you can load the Geonames data into your database, the feature class and the table must be generated.
- Start ArcCatalog.
- Select the geodatabase in the Catalog tree into which you want to load the Geonames data.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Defense Mapping.
Click the Geonames2GDB button
on the Defense Mapping toolbar.
The Geonames2GDB dialog box appears.
- Click the browse button (...) next to the GeoNames Source File field.
- Navigate to the text (*.txt) file that contains the Geonames data.
- Click Open.
Verify that the name in the GeoNames Feature Class Name field matches the name of your Geonames feature class in the database you are using.
For example, instead of GeoNames_FeaturesP, the feature class might be named GeoNamesFeatures_P.
- To allow duplicate features in the feature class, check the Allow duplicates check box.
Verify that the name in the GeoNames Table Name field matches the name of the Geonames table in the database you are using.
For example, instead of GeoNames_Table, the table might be named GeoNames.
Click Apply.
As the Geonames data is loaded into the feature class and table, the progress bar shows its status.
A message box appears when the processing is complete.
- Cliquez sur OK.
- Click Cancel once the process is complete.