Inserting the JOG GeoRef Diagram element (Defense Mapping)

The JOG GeoRef Diagram is a surround element used on Joint Operations Graphics (JOGs). It is a reference to the two-letter location identifier of each degree of latitude and each degree to the nearest one-half degree of longitude. This element displays full and half degrees and defaults to using the current extent of the active data frame to determine where the area falls in relation to the latitude and longitude.

GEOREF quadrangle
RemarqueRemarque :

The text for the JOG GeoRef Diagram defaults to Zurich Cn BT. If you do not have the Zurich Cn BT font installed, the text defaults to Arial Narrow.

Once inserted, double-clicking the JOG GeoRef Diagram allows you to access the JOG GeoRef Diagram Properties dialog box. The Update dynamically check box on the JOG GeoRef Diagram tab is checked by default. When this check box is checked, the JOG GeoRef Diagram updates dynamically as you pan and zoom around the map. Unchecking the check box will cause the JOG GeoRef Diagram to remain static.

You can determine the location of the 15-degree quadrangle by the two identification letters at the top of the element (VJ in the example above), and the 1-degree quadrangle by the two identification letters at the bottom of the element (QC in the example above). The first letter refers to the easting (longitude), and the second letter refers to the northing (latitude).

In addition, the JOG GeoRef Diagram can be expanded up to 7 degrees longitude when the Horizontal option is selected in the Orientation area of the JOG GeoRef Diagram tab and up to 7 degrees latitude when the Vertical option is selected.

If the element needs to be altered after it is created, select the element in the layout view, click Convert To Graphics, then click Ungroup to ungroup the elements that were used to create it. Perform the required edits and regroup the elements by clicking Group.

Etapes :
  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. Open a JOG map document.
  3. Verify that the map is in layout view.
  4. On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Defense Mapping.
  5. On the Defense Mapping toolbar, click Defense Mapping > Surround Elements > JOG GeoRef Diagram.

    A JOG GeoRef Diagram element displays in the map layout.

  6. Double-click the element.

    The JOG GeoRef Diagram Properties dialog box appears.

    JOG GeoRef Diagram Properties dialog box

  7. Click the JOG GeoRef Diagram tab.
  8. Choose an option for the orientation:
    • Horizontal—The extent covered by GeoRef Diagram expands by up to 7 degrees longitude.
    • Vertical—The extent depicted by GeoRef Diagram expands by up to 7 degrees latitude.
  9. Cliquez sur OK.

The JOG GeoRef Diagram element is generated.
