Exercise 1: Validating aviation data (Aviation)

Complexité : Débutant Exigences en matière de données : ArcGIS.com Objectif : Set the required properties, including setting the data source and running an existing batch job and fixing data errors.

In this exercise, you will set required properties, set the data source for, and run an existing ArcGIS Data Reviewer batch job; run data QC checks; and fix data errors.

Before you begin this exercise, you must download the data from ArcGIS.com.

Exercise 1a: Setting the data source for a batch job

In this part of the exercise, you will set the data source for an existing batch job so it runs on your source file geodatabase. This batch job is already preconfigured with checks to meet the highest quality standard for your input database. The batch job you will use, along with others, is installed with ArcGIS for Aviation : Création de diagrammes and ArcGIS for Aviation : Aéroports.

Etapes :
  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. On the main menu, click Customize > Extensions and verify that Data Reviewer is checked.
  3. Browse to the installation location of the downloaded ArcGIS for Aviation map package (.mpk) file.

    By default, the map package data can be found in one of the following locations, depending on your operating system:

    • Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\My Documents\ArcGIS\Packages\ArcGIS_for_AviationTutorial\v101\
    • Windows Vista or Windows 7: C:\Users\<user>\Documents\ArcGIS\Packages\ArcGIS_for_AviationTutorial\v101\
  4. Click and drag the ArcGIS for Aviation Tutorial.mpk file onto the data frame.

    The ArcGIS for AviationTutorial map opens.

    You can find the location of the map package in the Catalog window. Browse to the Folder Connections node to find the installation location. If necessary, right-click the node and click Connect To Folder if a folder connection does not exist.

  5. Explore the data provided in the feature datasets.
  6. Click the Customize menu and click Toolbars > Data Reviewer to add the Data Reviewer toolbar.
  7. In the Catalog window, browse to the directory where you want to create a new file geodatabase for data QC records.
  8. Right-click the folder and click New > File Geodatabase.
  9. Name the geodatabase Reviewer.gdb.

Exercise 1b: Setting up the Reviewer session

In this part of the exercise, you will set up a Reviewer session to store the data validation results. This includes choosing the workspace, setting the spatial reference, and deciding which checks run by default before the batch jobs are run.

Etapes :
  1. Click the Reviewer Session Manager button Reviewer Session Manager on the Data Reviewer toolbar.

    The Reviewer Session Manager dialog box appears.

  2. Click Browse and browse to where you created the Reviewer.gdb geodatabase.
  3. Click the Reviewer.gdb file and click Add.
  4. Click New to create a new Reviewer session.

    The Reviewer Workspace Properties dialog box appears.

  5. Choose the Use Active Data Frame Spatial Reference option.
    RemarqueRemarque :

    The coordinate system for the Reviewer session must match the coordinate system for the data to be validated. In this case, it is the database provided with the ArcGIS for Aviation tutorial download.

    Reviewer Workspace Properties dialog box
  6. Cliquez sur OK.
  7. Click Start Session.
  8. Click Advanced on the Reviewer Session Manager dialog box.
  9. Click the Default Checks tab and uncheck the Invalid Geometry Check check box.
    Default Checks tab
  10. Cliquez sur Appliquer.
  11. Click Close.

    The Reviewer Session Manager dialog box closes.

Exercise 1c: Running the batch job on the source data

In this part of the exercise, you will run a batch job on the runway centerline data that is in the map package. This will allow you to import quality data into your airport database.

Etapes :
  1. Click the Reviewer Batch Validate button Reviewer Batch Validate on the Data Reviewer toolbar.

    The Batch Validate dialog box appears.

  2. Click Add From File in the Batch Job area.
  3. Browse to the default installation location for ArcGIS for Aviation batch jobs.
    • Windows XP: C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\AviationCharting\Desktop10.2\BatchJobs\Airports\FAA18B
    • Windows Vista and Windows 7: C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\AviationCharting\Desktop10.2\BatchJobs\Airports\FAA18B
  4. Click the Airfield.rbj file and click Open.

    The Reviewer Processing Errors message appears.

    RemarqueRemarque :

    This message appears because all the feature classes that are validated by the Airfield batch job are not present in the map package and the associated geodatabase.

  5. Click OK.
  6. Right-click in the Batch Jobs area and click Minimize All Groups.
  7. Right-click in the batch job list and click Unselect All Groups.
  8. Check the check box next to the RunwayCenterline group to only run checks for the runway centerline data.

    When the RunwayCenterline group is expanded, all the related checks are selected to run.

    Batch Validate with RunwayCenterline group expanded
  9. Click Run.

    When the batch job is finished running, the Table Writer dialog box appears and indicates that two records have been written to the Reviewer table.

Exercise 1d: Fixing errors found by the batch job

In this part of the exercise, the two errors found by the batch job will be fixed. One error is from the SQL Query check, and the other is from the Geometry On Geometry check. Both require edits to be made to the feature on which the errors occurred, so you will start an edit session, fix the issues, and then save the changes.

Etapes :
  1. Click the Reviewer Table button Reviewer Table on the Data Reviewer toolbar.
  2. For a better understanding of the fields in the Reviewer table, see Fields in the Reviewer table.
  3. Select a record in the Reviewer table and right-click to explore the pan and zoom options for the feature geometry.
  4. Start an edit session on the Editor toolbar by clicking Editor > Start Editing.

    If ArcGIS for Aviation : Création de diagrammes is installed, you can click the Production Start Editing button Production Start Editing on the Aviation Data Management toolbar to start an edit session and use the Update Attributes window to complete step 6.

  5. Double-click the first Reviewer table record to select the feature geometry.

    The description indicates there is a critical issue with the attributes on the feature.

  6. Right-click the selected RunwayCenterline feature and click Attributes.

    The Attributes window appears.

  7. Change the Status attribute to ACTIVE.
  8. Close the Attributes window.
  9. Double-click the second Reviewer table record to select the feature geometry.

    The description indicates that the RunwayCenterline feature's start/end is not coincident with the RunwayEnd feature. This error has been reported because no RunwayEnd features have been collected for this airport.

  10. Click the Create Features button Créer des entités to open the Create Features window.
  11. Select the RunwayEnd feature template.
  12. Digitize two RunwayEnd points on each end of the RunwayCenterline feature.

    The points must snap to the RunwayCenterline feature in order to be considered valid.

  13. On the Editor toolbar, click Editor > Save Edits to save the edits.
  14. On the Editor toolbar, click Editor > Stop Editing to stop the edit session.
  15. Right-click the first record in the Reviewer table and click Enter Correction Status.

    The Reviewer Correction dialog box appears.

  16. Click the Evaluation drop-down arrow and choose Resolved.
  17. Click the Explanation drop-down arrow and choose Per Guidance.
    Reviewer Correction dialog box
  18. Cliquez sur OK.
  19. Repeat steps 14 through 17 for the second record.
  20. In the Reviewer table, scroll to the right to review the CORRECTIONTECHNICIAN, CORRECTIONDATE, and CORRECTIONSTATUS fields and view the correction information.
  21. Click the Reviewer Session Manager button Reviewer Session Manager on the Data Reviewer toolbar.
  22. Click End Session.
  23. Cliquez sur Fermer.
  24. Close ArcMap without saving changes.

Now that the RunwayCenterline feature is valid, you can continue with the next exercise and use it to create obstruction identification surfaces (OIS) features.
