Data Reviewer errors and warnings (Aviation)

When you are running a check or batch job or writing records to the Reviewer table, there are several errors and warnings you can receive. Below are the messages you can receive, a description of each, and the potential solution for an error message.

Error messages for checks

The following are error messages you can receive when running a check or batch job. If you receive one of these errors, the check cannot successfully run on the data.




Missing feature class

The Feature Class/Subtype property is not populated on the check properties dialog box.

Choose a feature class.

Missing feature class or table

The Feature Class/Subtype parameter is not populated on the check properties dialog box.

Choose a feature class or table from the Feature Class/Subtype drop-down list.

Missing workspace

The Workspace parameter is not populated on the check properties dialog box.

Choose a workspace.

Missing relationship class

The Relationship Class parameter is not populated on the check properties dialog box.

Choose a relationship class.

Missing geometric network

The Geometric Network parameter is not populated on the check properties dialog box.

Choose a geometric network.

Missing database topology

The Topology parameter is not populated on the check properties dialog box.

Choose a topology to validate.

Invalid value—Tolerance must be greater than 0

The value defined for the Tolerance parameter was either 0 or blank.

Type a value greater than zero (0) in the Dangle Tolerance text box.

Invalid value—Tolerance must be populated

The Tolerance parameter is blank.

Type a value that is greater than zero (0) in the Tolerance text box.

Invalid value—Maximum Z tolerance must not be less than minimum Z tolerance

The Elevation Difference maximum tolerance is blank or less than the minimum tolerance.

Type a value that is greater than the minimum value in the Maximum text box.

Invalid spatial relationship

Spatial relationship selected is not valid between corresponding geometry types.

Choose a valid spatial relationship.

Incompatible spatial references

Spatial references are incompatible.

Choose feature classes with compatible spatial references.

Invalid elevation parameter

The Elevation Operation parameter is not populated.

Choose an operation.

Invalid threshold parameter

The Thresholds Operation parameter is not populated.

Choose an operation.

Invalid length parameter

The Length Operation parameter is not populated.

Choose an operation.

Invalid X parameter

The X Operation parameter is not populated.

Choose an operation.

Invalid Y parameter

The Y Operation parameter is not populated.

Choose an operation.

Invalid intersection parameter

The Number of Intersections Operation parameter is not populated.

Choose an operation.

Invalid parts parameter

The Number of Parts Operation parameter is not populated.

Choose an operation.

Invalid vertices parameter

The Number of Vertices Operation parameter is not populated.

Choose an operation.

Invalid import rules for shape

The Rules to Import Shape option is not populated.

Choose at least one shape type.

Invalid import rules for topology rule type

The Rules to Import Topology Rule Type option is not populated.

Choose at least one topology rule type.

Missing composite check

The Build a Composite Check parameter is not populated.

Set up at least one composite check.

Invalid GUID

The associated DLL GUID parameter is invalid or not populated.

Ensure that the DLL is registered on the computer running the custom check and enter the associated GUID.

Invalid sampling number

The Number sampling method has a value of zero (0) or is not populated.

Type a value that is greater than zero (0) in the Number text box.

Invalid sampling percentage

The Percentage sampling method has a value of zero (0) or is not populated.

Type a value that is greater than zero (0) and less than 100 in the Percentage text box.

Missing sampling grid feature class

The Use Grid sampling method feature class parameter is not populated.

Choose a grid feature class.

Invalid grid cells to sample

The Number of Grid Cells to Sample is blank, zero (0), or more than the number of features.

Type a value in the Number of Grid Cells to Sample text box that is between 1 and the number of features.

Missing UniqueID field

The Unique ID field for the Use Grid sampling method is not populated.

Choose a unique ID field.

Missing regular expression

The Regular Expression Editor parameter is not populated. Enter at least one regular expression.

Define at least one regular expression.

Missing unique ID field

The Unique ID Fields parameter is not populated.

Choose at least one unique ID field for a feature class or table.

Missing table

The Feature Classes and Tables parameters are not populated.

Choose at least one feature class or table.

Invalid angle

The Min. Angle in Degrees parameter is not populated or has a value of zero (0).

Type a value greater than zero (0) in the Min. Angle in Degrees text box.

Unable to trace through edge feature

An issue with the geometric network connectivity is causing the check to not trace through the features.

On the Geometric Network Editing toolbar, use the Verify Connectivity tool to identify any inconsistent network connectivity. If issues are found, use the Rebuild Connectivity or Repair Connectivity tool.

Learn more about Verify Network tools and commands

Learn more about repairing network connectivity

Warning messages when writing records to the Reviewer table

The following are warning messages you can receive when writing records to the Reviewer table. When you receive one of these messages, the records are still written to the Reviewer table.



Unable to save error geometry for RecordID <##>. Saving feature geometry.

The error geometry may be an invalid geometry or smaller than the database tolerance; therefore, it cannot be saved to the Reviewer workspace. The actual feature geometry is saved to the Reviewer workspace.

Unable to save Reviewer geometry for RecordID <##> as its spatial reference is incompatible with Reviewer workspace spatial reference.

The spatial reference of the data does not match the spatial reference of the Reviewer workspace. At least the datums must match to save the geometry in the Reviewer workspace.

Unable to save Reviewer geometry for RecordID <##> as it has no spatial reference.

The data being validated does not have a spatial reference; therefore, you cannot save the geometry to the Reviewer workspace.

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