Setting a coordinate system for data frame rules (Aviation)

The Coordinate System tab on the Data Frame Rules dialog box allows you to specify a coordinate system to apply to a data frame. When you apply data frame rules, the active data frame's coordinate system changes to the system specified in those rules. You can choose a method that will be used to set the coordinate system of a data frame when applying data frame rules. You can choose one of the following methods:

Etapes :
  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. If necessary, load data in the map.
  3. Switch to layout view.
  4. On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Production Cartography.
  5. Click the Layout window button Layout window on the Production Cartography toolbar.

    The Layout window appears.

  6. Click the Apply Data Frame Rules button Apply Data Frame Rules on the Layout window.

    The Apply Data Frame Rules dialog box appears.

  7. If necessary, click the Source Data Frame drop-down arrow and choose the source data frame.
  8. Click the Properties button Properties.

    The Data Frame Rules dialog box appears.

  9. Click the Coordinate System tab.
    The Coordinate System tab of the Data Frame Rules dialog box
  10. Choose one of the following options for the coordinate system type:

    To use a predefined coordinate system

    Click the Type drop-down arrow and choose Fixed. Click the PropertiesProperties button. Choose a spatial reference and click OK. Proceed to step 20.

    To calculate a UTM zone based on the active data frame extent

    Click the Type drop-down arrow and choose Calculate UTM Zone. Proceed to step 20.

    To calculate a central meridian and parallels based on the active data frame extent

    Click the Type drop-down arrow and choose Calculate Central Meridian and Parallels. Click the Properties button Properties. Choose a spatial reference and click OK. Proceed to step 20.

    To dynamically choose a coordinate system when the data frame's extent intersects more than one coordinate system zone

    Proceed to step 11.

  11. Click Load

    The Open Feature Class or Feature Layer File dialog box appears.

  12. Navigate to a coordinate system zones feature class or layer file and click OK.
    RemarqueRemarque :

    The feature class must contain a spatial reference text field populated with coordinate system or projection file (.prj) format strings. The string must specify a zone projection like UTM. The feature class must also have an integer field that contains coordinate system zone numbers.

  13. The Coordinate System Recordset Properties dialog box appears.
  14. Type a name in the Name text box.
  15. Click the Zone Field drop-down arrow and choose the field that contains the zone numbers.
  16. Click the Spatial Reference drop-down arrow and choose the field that contains the spatial reference strings.
  17. Click the Selection Rule drop-down arrow and choose a selection rule. Selection rules include the following:
    • Largest AreaApplies the coordinate system from the feature with the largest area.
    • Smallest AreaApplies the coordinate system from the feature with the smallest area.
    • Highest ZoneApplies the coordinate system from the feature with the highest Zone Field value.
    • Lowest ZoneApplies the coordinate system from the feature with the lowest Zone Field value.

    The tool determines a coordinate system by applying a selection rule to the intersection of the data frame and the coordinate system zones feature class.

    The Coordinate System Recordset Properties dialog box
  18. Click OK.

    The Data Frame Rules dialog box appears. The feature class or layer file name appears in the Coordinate System Zones list.

  19. Click the Type drop-down arrow and choose Use <feature class or layer name>.
    The Data Frame Rules dialog box with a coordinate system zone feature class defined
    RemarqueRemarque :

    Click Remove to remove a highlighted feature class or layer file from the Coordinate System Zones list.

    Click Properties to display the Coordinate System Recordset Properties dialog box.

  20. Click OK to set the data frame rules.

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