Sorting the table of contents by geometry type (Aviation)

The table of contents can be sorted based on the geometry type of the layers, which also manages the way the layers appear in the map. Sorting the layers from polygons to lines means the polygon layers will cover the lines and points. Sorting the layers from points to polygons ensures that the points and lines appear on top of the polygons in the map.

The sorting order can be changed based on the work you are doing with the data. For instance, if you are clipping features, you would want the points and lines on top of the polygons so you know what features are going to be clipped along with the polygon.

Etapes :
  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. If necessary, load data in the map.
  3. On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Production TOC Manager.
  4. Click the Sort TOC By Point, Line, Area (Polygon) button Sort TOC By Point, Line, Area (Polygon) on the Production TOC Manager toolbar to sort the table of contents in ascending order by geometry type (point, line, then polygon).
  5. Click the Sort TOC By Area (Polygon), Line, Point button Sort TOC By Area (Polygon), Line, Point on the Production TOC Manager toolbar to sort the table of contents in descending order by geometry type (polygon, line, then point).

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