Creating an item to column table (Aviation)

Choosing the type of graphic table element

In an item to column table, elements can be data driven from layers added to the current ArcMap session. In this type of table, the number of columns automatically changes based on the data returned using the data source filters. In addition, customizable interactive header and footer sections allow you to adjust them around dynamic main body and content sections.

You can only add this table in layout view.

Etapes :
  1. On the main menu, click View > Layout View.
  2. On the main menu, click Insert > Graphic Table Element.

    The New Table dialog box appears.

    Select Interactive format
  3. Choose Item to Column in the Available formats list.
    Select Item to Column format

Setting the table format

Etapes :
  1. Click Wizard.

    The Set Table Format dialog box appears.

    Set Table Format dialog box
  2. Click the Width drop-down arrow and choose one of the following:
    • Table Design—Resizes the cell based on the definition on the Table Design dialog box
    • Auto Fit cells—Automatically adjusts the cell size based on the content within the cell
    • Expand cells—Allows cells to expand to fit content size, but does not allow cells to be made smaller
    • Fixed Size—Allows you to specify the width of the cell in the Size text box
  3. If you choose the Fixed Size option in the drop-down list, click the Units drop-down arrow and choose the unit of measurement you want to use.
    RemarqueRemarque :

    When the Fixed Size option is selected for both Width and Height, the Save aspect ratio while resizing table check box becomes available.

  4. Type a size in the Size text box.
  5. Click the Height drop-down arrow and choose one of the following:
    • Table Design—Resizes the cell based on the definition on the Table Design dialog box
    • Auto Fit cells—Automatically adjusts the cell size based on the content within the cell
    • Expand cells—Allows cells to expand to fit content size, but does not allow cells to be made smaller
    • Fixed Size—Allows you to specify the width of the cell in the Size text box
  6. If you choose the Fixed Size option in the drop-down list, click the Units drop-down arrow and choose the unit of measurement you want to use.
    RemarqueRemarque :

    When the Fixed Size option is selected for both Width and Height, the Save aspect ratio while resizing table check box becomes available.

  7. Type a size in the Size text box.
  8. Uncheck the Make content items equal check box if you do not want to maintain row and column alignment when cell contents and formatting options can result in cells of varying sizes.
  9. Check the Auto Wrap Columns and Rows check box if you want the table to wrap automatically.

    Checking this check box causes the Size text box in the Height area to become available. When this check box is checked, you can add rows until the defined size height is reached; then the table automatically starts a new column. For example, if the size is defined as 10 centimeters, you can continue to add rows until this limit is reached, in which case the table then wraps and begins another column.

    RemarqueRemarque :

    The Auto Wrap Columns and Rows check box is only available when Width is not defined as Fixed Size.

  10. Continue to the next section, Defining merge options for cells in the table, if you want to define merging options, or click Next and continue to the Selecting table data sources section.

Defining merge options for cells in the table

Merge options that are available from the Set Table Format dialog box allow you to define the table so adjacent cells with identical content are automatically merged into one cell. For example, choosing to merge a row of cells containing 1,2,3,4,4,4,5,4,4,4,5 by identical rows would result in a row of cells that displays as 1,2,3,4,5,4,5.

Before cells are merged, cell contents are compared based on what you choose in the Compare cells by drop-down list.

Etapes :
  1. Check the Enable automatic merging cells check box on the Set Table Format dialog box to define merging options.
  2. Click Merging options.

    The Merge options dialog box appears.

    Merge options dialog box
  3. Click the Merge cells by drop-down arrow and choose one of the following:
    • Identical rows of cells—Merges identical cells by row
    • Identical columns of cells—Merges identical cells by column
    • Identical rows and columns of cells (priority: rows)—Merges identical cells by row, then by column
    • Identical rows and columns of cells (priority: columns)—Merges identical cells by column, then by row
  4. Click the Compare cells by drop-down arrow and choose one of the following:
    • Elements values, formats, and cell properties—Cells are compared by associated value attributes and backgrounds. For example, field elements are compared by field values, text elements are compared by text values, and so on.
    • Elements values and formats—Cells are compared by text values, text symbols, markers, fills, and line dimensions.
    • Elements values—Cells are compared by text and symbol values.
  5. Click OK.

    The Set Table Format dialog box appears.

    If you checked the Define Fields or Define Filters check box on the Interactive table properties dialog box, the Set Table Format dialog box contains a Next button.

  6. Click Next.

Selecting table data sources

Selecting table data sources allows you to use data sources from the active data frame to populate the table.

The Always keep table dynamically synchronized with data frame and Define Filters check boxes only appear when a data source is selected in the Select data sources from the list area.

Selecting table datasources dialog box
Etapes :
  1. Click to choose a data source.
  2. Check the Always synchronized with data frame check box if you want any changes made to the data source to be reflected dynamically in the graphic table.
  3. Check the Define Filters check box if you want to define filters that will determine which data items (features) will be returned for each layer.
  4. Click Next.

    The Defining table fields dialog box appears; continue to the next section, Defining table fields.

Defining table fields

The Defining table fields dialog box allows you to create and map table fields to data source fields.

The Defining table fields dialog box appears with a Next button only if you checked the Define Filters check box on the Selecting table datasources dialog box. If you did not check the Define Filters check box, the Defining table fields dialog box appears with a Finish button.

Etapes :
  1. Click the Data Source drop-down arrow and choose the layer you want to use as a data source.
  2. Choose the source fields you want to use in the Source Fields list.
  3. Click the > button to add each one to the Table Fields list.
    RemarqueRemarque :

    Adding a source field or source property to the Table Fields list causes the Associate with Data Sources and Show Field Aliases in Table Header check boxes to appear on the dialog box.

    Defining table fields dialog box with check boxes
  4. Choose the source properties you want to use in the Source Properties list.
  5. Click the > button to add each one to the Table Fields list.
  6. Check the Show Common Fields and Properties check box if you want to display the fields and properties common to all listed data sources.
  7. Check the Show Field Aliases in Table Header check box if you want to display the alias of the fields in the table header.

    If you checked the Define Filters check box on the Selecting table datasources dialog box, the Defining table fields dialog box contains a Next button.

    If you only checked the Always synchronized with data frame check box, or you did not check any check boxes on the Selecting table datasources dialog box, the Defining table fields dialog box contains a Finish button.

  8. Click Next and continue to the next section, Defining filters; otherwise, follow the substeps below to finish creating the table:
    1. Click Finish.
    2. Click OK on the New Table dialog box to finish creating the table.

Defining filters

Data source filtering allows you to define which data items (features) will be returned for each layer. You can define a data filter for each data source.

You can filter by

Defining base selection options for data source filtering

The Base Selection area of the Data Filters dialog box allows you to choose an extent to determine which features are included in the table.

Etapes :
  1. Click the data source you want to use in the Data Source list on the Data Source dialog box.

    The selected data source is highlighted, and the Filter button becomes available.

    Data Source dialog box with Filter activated
  2. Click Filter.

    The Data Filters dialog box appears.

    Data Filters dialog box
  3. Click an option for the base selection in the Base Selection area of the Data Filters dialog box.
    • Entire Source—Uses all features from the data source
    • Selected Set—Uses only selected features from the data source
    • Visible Extent—Uses only the features from the data source that are within the data frame's visible extent
  4. Check the Honor Definition Query check box if you want to use a definition query that has been defined for the layers being used as the data source.
  5. Additional filters can be added to further refine the selection. If you want to define filters by attributes, location, sorted table fields, unique values, or a limited number of values, complete the next sections; otherwise, follow the substeps below to finish creating the table:
    1. Click OK on the Data Filters dialog box.

      The Defining Filters dialog box appears.

    2. Click Finish.
    3. Click OK on the New Table dialog box to finish creating the table.

Filtering the data source using attributes

During data source filtering, additional filter types allow you to refine which features will be returned for each layer. The Attributes Filter command allows you to define expressions that filter features based on attributes.

Etapes :
  1. Click Add Filter on the Data Filters dialog box and click Attributes Filter.

    You can also right-click in the Filter area and click Add Combine Filter > Attributes Filter.

    The Filter by attributes properties dialog box appears.

  2. Double-click a field name in the list at the top of the dialog box to use it with the query.
  3. Click an operator.
  4. Click Get Unique Values.

    Filter by attributes properties with unique values displayed

  5. Double-click the value in the unique values list to use with the query.
  6. Click OK on the Filter by attributes properties dialog box.

    The Data Filters dialog box appears.

    Attributes filter
  7. If necessary, click the drop-down for Operator and change the operator type.

    These filters can be logically appended to the base selections using the And, Or, greater than (>), or less than (<) operators (but not the equal to [=] or exclusive or [XOR] operators).

  8. Repeat the steps to add more filters by attributes.
  9. To further refine data source filtering, you can copy, delete, and sort rows; copy cells; or modify properties.
    1. To copy a cell, right-click an operator or filter type cell and click Copy Cell.
    2. To copy a row, right-click an operator or filter type row and click Copy Selected Row.
    3. To delete a row, right-click a row and click Delete.
    4. To sort a row, right-click a row and click Move Up or Move Down.
    5. To modify or redefine the filter configurations you defined previously, right-click a row and click Properties.
    Filter shortcut menu
  10. If you want to define filters by location, sorted table fields, unique values, or a limit of values, complete the next sections; otherwise, follow the substeps below to finish creating the table:
    1. Click OK on the Data Filters dialog box.

      The Defining Filters dialog box appears.

    2. Click Finish.
    3. Click OK on the New Table dialog box to finish creating the table.

Filtering the data source by location

During data source filtering, the Location Filter command allows you to define expressions that filter features based on the location layer, as well as filter method (that is, within a specified distance, by data frame intersection, within the data frame, and so on).

Etapes :
  1. Click Add Filter on the Data Filters dialog box and click Location Filter.

    You can also right-click in the Filter area and click Add Combine Filter > Location Filter.

    The Filter By Location dialog box appears.

    Filter By Location dialog box
  2. Click the Location Layer drop-down arrow and choose the layer you want to use.
  3. Click the Filter method drop-down arrow and choose from the following filter methods:
    • Intersect—Uses features within and intersecting the data frame of the selected location layer currently displayed
    • Within a distance—Uses only features within a specified distance
    • Completely contains—Uses features completely contained by the data frame of the selected location layer currently displayed
    • Completely within—Uses features completely within the data frame of the selected location layer currently displayed
    • Have center in—Uses features that have their centers within the data frame of the selected location layer currently displayed
    • Share line segment—Uses features that share a line segment
    • Touch boundary—Uses features with boundaries that touch each other
    • Identical—Uses features with identical properties
    • Crossed by the outline—Uses features crossed by an outline
    • Contains—Uses features contained by the data frame of the selected location layer currently displayed
    • Contained by—Uses features contained by the data frame of the selected location layer currently displayed
  4. Check the Use selected features check box if you want to use the selected features for filtering, based on their relationship to the location layer.
  5. Check the Apply buffer check box if you want to apply a buffer.
    1. Type the distance you want to use in the text box.
    2. Click the drop-down arrow to choose the units you want to use.
  6. Click OK.

    The Data Filters dialog box appears with the filter table populated with the filtering options you have defined.

    The Data Filters dialog box
  7. If necessary, click the drop-down menu for Operator and change the operator type.

    These filters can be logically appended to the base selections using the And, Or, greater than (>), or less than (<) operators (but not the equal to [=] or exclusive or [XOR] operators).

  8. Repeat the steps to add more filters by location.
  9. To further refine data source filtering, you can copy, delete, and sort rows; copy cells; or modify properties.
    1. To copy a cell, right-click an operator or filter type cell and click Copy Cell.
    2. To copy a row, right-click an operator or filter type row and click Copy Selected Row.
    3. To delete a row, right-click a row and click Delete.
    4. To sort a row, right-click a row and click Move Up or Move Down.
    5. To modify or redefine the filter configurations you defined previously, right-click a row and click Properties.
    Filter shortcut menu
  10. If you want to define filters by sorted table fields, unique values, or a limit of values, complete the next sections; otherwise, follow the substeps below to finish creating the table:
    1. Click OK on the Data Filters dialog box.

      The Defining Filters dialog box appears.

    2. Click Finish.
    3. Click OK on the New Table dialog box to finish creating the table.

Filtering source data by adding and sorting table fields

The Sorting Filter command allows you to add table fields to a sort list and filter the data by the sorted list.

Etapes :
  1. Click Add Filter on the Data Filters dialog box and click Sorting Filter.

    You can also right-click in the Filter area and click Add Modify Filter > Sorting Filter.

    The Sort Options dialog box appears.

  2. Click Add Table Fields.

    You can also right-click and click Add Table Fields.

    The Table Fields Selector dialog box appears with a list of data source fields for selection.

    Table Fields Selector window
  3. Click to choose the field you want to add.

    You can select more than one field by pressing CTRL and clicking additional fields.

  4. Click OK.

    The Sort Options dialog box appears.

  5. Repeat steps 2–4 if necessary until all the fields you want are added.
  6. To further refine data source filtering, you can copy, delete, or sort rows or copy cells.
    1. To copy a cell, right-click a cell and click Copy Cell.
    2. To copy a row, right-click a row and click Copy Selected Row.
    3. To delete a row, right-click a row and click Delete.
    4. To sort a row, right-click a row and click Move Up or Move Down.
    Sort Option dialog box shortcut menu
  7. To sort a table field in ascending or descending order, click the cell next to each field and choose an option from the drop-down menu that appears in the Sort Order column.
  8. Repeat step 7 to sort each table field if necessary.
  9. Click OK.

    The Data Filters dialog box appears with the filter table populated with the filtering options you have defined.

    Sorting filter
  10. To further refine data source filtering, you can copy, delete, and sort rows; copy cells; or modify properties.
    1. To copy a cell, right-click an operator or filter type cell and click Copy Cell.
    2. To copy a row, right-click an operator or filter type row and click Copy Selected Row.
    3. To delete a row, right-click a row and click Delete.
    4. To sort a row, right-click a row and click Move Up or Move Down.
    5. To modify or redefine the filter configurations you defined previously, right-click a row and click Properties.
    Filter shortcut menu
  11. If you want to define filters by unique values, or by a limited number of values, complete the next sections; otherwise, follow the substeps below to finish creating the table:
    1. Click OK on the Data Filters dialog box.

      The Defining Filters dialog box appears.

    2. Click Finish.
    3. Click OK on the New Table dialog box to finish creating the table.

Filtering table fields to show unique values

The Unique Filter command allows you to add table fields and filter data from them so only one occurrence of any repeating value is returned.

Etapes :
  1. Click Add Filter on the Data Filters dialog box and click Unique Filter.

    You can also right-click in the Filter area and click Add Modify Filter > Unique Filter.

    The Unique Options dialog box appears.

  2. Click Add Table Fields.

    You can also right-click and click Add Table Fields.

    The Table Fields Selector dialog box appears with a list of data source fields for selection.

    Table Fields Selector dialog box
  3. Click to choose the field you want to add.

    You can choose more than one field by pressing CTRL and clicking additional fields.

  4. Click OK.

    The Unique options dialog box appears.

  5. Repeat steps 2–4 if necessary until all the fields you want are added.
  6. To further refine data source filtering, you can copy, delete, or sort rows or copy cells.
    1. To copy a cell, right-click a cell and click Copy Cell.
    2. To copy a row, right-click a row and click Copy Selected Row.
    3. To delete a row, right-click a row and click Delete.
    4. To sort a row, right-click a row and click Move Up or Move Down.
    Sort Options dialog box shortcut menu
  7. Click OK.

    The Data Filters dialog box appears with the filter table populated with the filtering options you have defined.

    Unique filter
  8. To further refine data source filtering, you can copy, delete, and sort rows; copy cells; or modify properties.
    1. To copy a cell, right-click an operator or filter type cell and click Copy Cell.
    2. To copy a row, right-click an operator or filter type row and click Copy Selected Row.
    3. To delete a row, right-click a row and click Delete.
    4. To sort a row, right-click a row and click Move Up or Move Down.
    5. To modify or redefine the filter configurations you defined previously, right-click a row and click Properties.
    Filter shortcut menu
  9. If you want to define filters by limiting the maximum number of items returned, complete the next section, Filtering table fields to limit the maximum number of items returned; otherwise, follow the substeps below to finish creating the table:
    1. Click OK on the Data Filters dialog box.

      The Defining Filters dialog box appears.

    2. Click Finish.
    3. Click OK on the New Table dialog box to finish creating the table.

Filtering table fields to limit the maximum number of items returned

The Limit Filter command allows you set the maximum number of filtered items that populate the table.

Etapes :
  1. Click Add Filter on the Data Filters dialog box and click Limit Filter.

    You can also right-click in the Filter area and click Add Modify Filter > Limit Filter.

    The Limit filter properties dialog box appears.

    Limit filter properties dialog box
  2. Type the maximum number of filtered items you want returned in the Maximum number of filtered items text box.
  3. Click OK.

    The Data Filters dialog box appears with the filter table populated with the filtering options you have defined.

    Limit filter
  4. To further refine data source filtering, you can copy, delete, and sort rows; copy cells; or modify properties.
    1. To copy a cell, right-click an operator or filter type cell and click Copy Cell.
    2. To copy a row, right-click an operator or filter type row and click Copy Selected Row.
    3. To delete a row, right-click a row and click Delete.
    4. To sort a row, right-click a row and click Move Up or Move Down.
    5. To modify or redefine the filter configurations you defined previously, right-click a row and click Properties.
    Filter shortcut menu
  5. Click OK on the Data Filters dialog box.

    The Defining Filters dialog box appears.

    Defining filters dialog box

    The Reset Filter, Reset All Filters, and Data Items buttons are activated. Reset Filter removes any previously defined filters for the currently selected data source. Reset All Filters removes all previously defined filter for all data sources listed. Data Items provides you with a list of what data was returned after all the filters have been applied to the data sources, similar to a print preview.

  6. Click Finish.
  7. Click OK on the New Table dialog box to finish creating the table.

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