Displaying cartographic exceptions in ArcMap (Aviation)

The results of the Include Selected Feature(s), Exclude Selected Feature(s), and Clear Selected Exception(s) tools are stored in the cartographic exceptions table. Therefore, results of these operations cannot be visually depicted on a chart in ArcMap when only the feature layer is visible. You can associate a feature class to the cartographic exceptions table and symbolize the features appropriately to visualize which features have been included on and excluded from a particular chart.

Etapes :
  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. Ensure that the correct product library and production database are set.
  3. Add the master feature class twice as a layer in ArcMap.
  4. Append _Exceptions to the name of one of the layers.

    For best results, append to the layer displayed above the other in the Table Of Contents (TOC) window. The example in the following steps indicates how to visualize cartographic exceptions for the ADHP feature class.

  5. Add the PLTS_CARTOEXCEPTION table to ArcMap.
  6. Add the appropriate area of interest (AOI) feature layer to the TOC by checking the check box next to the appropriate AOI in the product library.

    This helps visualize which features are within the extent. The KSNS Planview AOI has been added in this example. Your TOC should resemble the graphic below:

    Area of interest added in the TOC

  7. Right-click the layer appended with _Exceptions and click Joins and Relates > Joins.
  8. Join the GFID field from the feature class to the ReferenceFeatureID field in the cartographic exceptions table.
  9. Cliquez sur OK.
  10. Right-click the layer appended with _Exceptions and click Properties.
  11. Click the Symbology tab.
  12. Symbolize the layer appended with _Exceptions using the Type_Code field from the PLTS_CARTOEXCEPTION table and create symbols for values of 0 (exclusions) and 1 (inclusions), as shown below.

    Layer Properties

  13. Cliquez sur OK.
  14. Repeat steps 3 through 4 and 6 through 14 for additional feature classes.
  15. Run the Include Selected Feature(s), Exclude Selected Feature(s), and Clear Selected Exception(s) tools as necessary.

    Symbology is only updated when edits are saved and the screen refreshed.

    Example of inclusions and exclusions displayed in ArcMap
    Example of inclusions and exclusions displayed in ArcMap