Reordering columns in the table (Production Mapping)

The columns in the rules table can be rearranged to show only the fields that you feel are relevant to the rules. For example, you may not necessarily want to see the Rule GUID field, so you might move it farther to the left.

On the Column Order dialog box, you can move the column names up and down in the list, as well as to the top and bottom. The farther down the column name is moved on the list, the farther to the right it appears in the rules table.

Etapes :
  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. Click the Visual Specifications button Visual Specifications on the Production Symbology toolbar.

    The Visual Specifications dialog box appears.

    Visual Specifications dialog box

  3. Click Advanced.

    The Visual Specifications Advanced View dialog box appears displaying rules saved in the selected specifications.

    The Visual Specifications Advanced View dialog box

  4. Click Options > Column Order.

    The Column Order dialog box appears.

    Column Order

  5. Choose a column name on the Column Order dialog box.
  6. Click the Move UpMove Up or Move DownMove Down button to move the column name up or down in the column order.
  7. Click the Move to Top Move to Top or Move to Bottom Move to Bottom button to move the column to the top or bottom of the list.
  8. Repeat steps 5–7 as needed.
  9. Click OK when you are finished reordering the columns.