Symbolizing Reviewer table records

Feature records in the Reviewer table can be symbolized and added as layers to ArcMap so they reflect the current state of the record in the Reviewer table. This allows you to interact with Reviewer record geometries visually in addition to the tabular view. The records can be symbolized repeatedly to reflect the most current status of all the records in the table. Symbolizing the feature records is analogous to loading the topology as a layer into ArcMap because it adds a dataset rather than a single layer.

The Reviewer Dataset group layer is loaded into the table of contents when you use the Symbolize Reviewer Feature Records tool. It contains three layers: Reviewer Points, Reviewer Polylines, and Reviewer Polygons. The Reviewer Polygons layer shows the current geometries of the polygon feature records, the Reviewer Polylines layer shows the current geometries of the polyline records, and the Reviewer Points layer shows the current geometries of the point records. Red is used to represent features that have been committed to the Reviewer table, yellow is used for the features that have a correction status, and green is used for features that have been verified.

Reviewer dataset

The corrected and verified symbols are repeated in the layer for each unique correction and verification status attribute combination. For example, the color yellow can appear twice if you resolve one record per guidance and another based on a custom reason. If a new correction or verification attribute combination is added to the table, clicking the Symbolize Reviewer Feature Records button refreshes the layer again to reflect the new attribute combination.

The Symbolize Reviewer Feature Records tool utilizes the current Reviewer table definition query, so if you are only viewing a subset of the total records in the Reviewer table, only those records currently interacted with are loaded.

Etapes :
  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Data Reviewer.
  3. Start a Reviewer session in one of the following:
  4. Click the Reviewer Table button Reviewer Table on the Data Reviewer toolbar.
  5. Click the Symbolize Reviewer Feature Records button Symbolize Reviewer Feature Records.

Feature records in the map appear as red, yellow, and green, respectively.
