Updating data sources for batch jobs from the Batch Validate dialog box

You can change the workspace for the entire batch job or individual checks within it. This allows you to use an existing batch job with a different data source. The workspace can be updated when the object class that is loaded in ArcMap does not coincide with the workspace specified in the batch job.

For example, suppose some of the checks in the batch job reference Workspace A, and others reference Workspace B. If data from Workspace A is loaded in ArcMap, the checks that reference Workspace B need to be updated to reference Workspace A.

Etapes :
  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Data Reviewer.
  3. Start a Reviewer session in one of the following:
  4. Click the Reviewer Batch Validate button Reviewer Batch Validate on the Data Reviewer toolbar.

    The Batch Validate dialog box appears.

    Initial view of the Batch Validate dialog box

  5. Click Add from File.

    The Select Batch Job File dialog box appears.

  6. Navigate to the batch jobs you want to run with the Reviewer Batch Validate tool.
    RemarqueRemarque :

    You can add multiple batch jobs by pressing CTRL or SHIFT when you select the batch jobs.

  7. Click Open.

    The Batch Validate dialog box appears. The checks in the batch job appear in the Batch Jobs area.

    If there are multiple workspaces referenced in the batch job, the Update to Single Workspace dialog box appears so you can choose the workspace you want to validate with the batch jobs.

    When there is only one workspace in ArcMap, the batch job's workspace is automatically updated to the current workspace.


    To remove a batch job group from the Batch Jobs area of the Batch Validate dialog box, click the batch job group and click Remove. If only one batch job group is listed in the Batch Jobs area, the default checks are also deleted. To quickly select and deselect checks, you can also use Select All Groups and Unselect All Groups by right-clicking in the Batch Jobs area.

  8. Click Workspace.

    The Set Data Source dialog box appears.

    Set Data Source dialog box

  9. Click the Sources drop-down arrow and choose Reviewer Batch Job Dataset(s).
  10. Optionally, to view only invalid data sources, check the Show Invalid Data Sources Only check box.

    This removes any of the valid data sources from the list on the Set Data Sources dialog box.

  11. Click a row in the table.
  12. Click Change Data Source.

    The Select Data Source dialog box appears.

  13. Navigate to the new data source.
  14. Click OK.

    The Choose Repair Option dialog box appears.

    RemarqueRemarque :

    This dialog box appears only if the Show "Change Data Source" warning check box is checked. If it is not, the path is updated after you click OK.

    Choose Repair Option dialog box
  15. Choose an option for updating the data source.
    • If you want to update all the sources that have the same path as the data source you are updating, choose the Apply to all matching Paths option.

      For example, if you have tables and feature classes that are in the same workspace, the paths will be updated for both.

    • If you want to update all the sources for all the data sources that match the type you chose on the Sources drop-down list, choose the Apply to all matching Types option.

      For example, if you choose Tables in the Sources drop-down list, only the paths for tables listed on the Set Data Source dialog box are updated. Feature classes that are also listed would not have their paths changed.

    • If you only want to update the path for the data source you chose in step 11, choose the Apply to selected Item only option.
  16. Click OK.

    Paths in the Workspace Path field are updated according to whether you click Yes or No.

  17. Cliquez sur OK.
  18. AstuceAstuce:

    You can also change the workspace by right-clicking a batch job, group, or individual check and clicking Workspace.


    When running a batch job on data in a different workspace than the batch job was designed in, it is necessary to update the workspace information for each feature class or table in the batch job.

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