Merging parcels

Cette rubrique s'applique uniquement à ArcGIS for Desktop Standard et ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced.

New parcels can be created by merging existing parcels in the parcel fabric. Adjacent parcels can be merged to create a single parcel, and disjoint parcels can be merged to create multipart parcels. On the Merge dialog box, you can choose to copy attribute values from one of the existing parcels or use the attributes from a specified feature template.

Parcel merge dialog box

When merging adjacent parcels, the original lines of the parent parcels will still be visible if your parcel fabric is set to Show all parcels under the History tab of the parcel fabric Layer Properties dialog box. You can choose to show a historic line for the original parent parcel lines when merging parcels.

Historic overlay line for merged parcels
Historic overlay line for merged parcels

To do this, you first need to have a historic line type defined for your parcel lines, and your parcel lines need to be displayed by their line type in the parcel fabric layer.


To display parcels lines by their type, open the Layer Properties dialog box for parcel lines (right-click the lines sublayer in the table of contents and click Properties). Choose Type from the Value Field drop-down box on the Symbology tab. If you have not defined a historic line type, click Add Values to add a value and symbology that represent a historic line type.

Symbolizing lines by line type
Symbolizing parcel lines by line type

Once you have displayed and symbolized your parcel lines by their line type, create feature templates for the symbolized parcel lines.

Creating feature templates based on parcel line symbology

When you are merging parcels, make sure Show all parcels is chosen on the History tab of the parcel fabric Layer Properties dialog box. On the Merge dialog box, choose Update overlay lines on parent parcels and click Template to choose the historic line template.

Etapes :
    To merge parcels in the parcel fabric, follow these steps:
  1. In an edit session in ArcMap, click the Select Parcel Features tool Sélectionner les entités de parcelles on the Parcel Editor menu, select the parcels you want to merge, right-click, and click Merge.
  2. You can merge two or more adjacent parcels. If selected parcels are not adjacent, multipart parcels are created.
  3. On the Merge dialog box, type a parcel name in the Parcel name text box.
  4. If you leave the parcel name blank, a default parcel name of NewParcelxx is used.
  5. For the newly merged parcel, choose whether to copy attributes from one of the existing parcels or use attributes from the parcel's feature template.
  6. Click the Update overlay lines on parent parcels option to specify a line feature template for the historic lines of the original parcels.
  7. Click OK to create the new parcel.
  8. RemarqueRemarque :

    When merging parcels, you can either leave the merge Tolerance as the default tolerance or specify your own. New points created by the merge that lie closer to existing points than the tolerance specified will not be created, and existing points will be used instead.

Merging parcels in the Local Government Information Model

When the parcel fabric is enabled with the Local Government Information Model, historic parcels are displayed in the separate Historic Parcels layer and symbolized by Reason Parcel Retired. Parcel lines are displayed by category.

To view the original parent parcels after merging them, turn on the Historic Parcels layer. The Reason Parcel Retired value can be set by opening the Attributes window of the selected historic parcel.


The Merge Parcels automated workflow automatically prompts you to set historic parcel attributes after the merge is completed.

The Update overlay lines on parent parcels option on the Merge dialog box can only be used if historic parcels are displayed in the same layer as the parcels being merged.

Thèmes connexes
