Track Intervals To Feature (Tracking Analyst)
Calculates values that are computed from the difference between successively ordered features in a track. New fields are added to the input feature class or layer to store the calculated values (distance, duration, speed, and course).
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For this tool to work, the input feature class or layer must have date and time information contained in a single time field of data type text, short, long, float, double, or date. If the time field data type is date, the tool will automatically detect the format. If the time field data type is anything other than date, a time field format (and possibly other information for a time field data type of text) is required to parse the data values correctly.
If the time field selected is text, short, long, float, or double, the time field format can be selected from a list of supported time field formats, or you can define a custom time field format to interpret custom date and/or time values in a text field. For more information about custom formats for text fields, refer to converting string time values into date format.
Choosing the names of the output fields is optional. If you do not enter output field names, the tool will automatically generate output field names that include an abbreviation of the units.
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
in_features |
The input feature class or layer. | Feature Layer |
time_field |
The field in the input feature class or layer that contains date and time information. This tool requires date and time information to be contained in the same field, and the data type of the field must be Short, Long, Float, Double, Text, or Date. | Field |
track_id_field (Facultatif) |
The field that contains data values which are used to group the input features into tracks. The data type of the field can be Short, Long, Float, Double, Text, or OID. | Field |
calculation_method (Facultatif) |
Specifies which interval is used to calculate values for each feature.
| String |
time_field_format (Facultatif) | If the data type of the time field is anything other than Date, this parameter determines the format that will be used to interpret data values in the time field. Some examples of formats are:
If the data type of the time field is Text, either a standard Esri text time format can be used or a custom format can be specified. However, custom formats cannot be used if you specified KEEP_ON_DISK for the storage policy. If the data type of the time field is numeric (Short, Long, Float, or Double), only standard Esri numeric time formats can be used. If the data type of the time field is Date, this parameter is not needed. | String |
locale_id (Facultatif) | If the data type of the time field is Text, this parameter determines which locale will be used to interpret data values in the time field. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed. If no locale is entered, the current locale of the operating system will be used. For a list of available locales supported by your system, open the tool dialog box and expand this drop-down list. When entering the locale as a parameter, it is recommended to use only the locale ID (LCID) assigned by Microsoft, which can be entered as a long integer such as 1033. You can also enter the full string representation of the locale as a parameter, such as "01033-English_(United_States)", but you must replace spaces with underscore characters. | Long |
am_designator (Facultatif) |
If the time field data type is Text and the time format is a 12-hour clock representation including a time marker ("t" or "tt"), then this parameter determines the character ("t") or characters ("tt") that designate AM in the time field data values. If nothing is entered, then the default AM designator for the selected locale will be used. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed. | String |
pm_designator (Facultatif) |
If the time field data type is Text and the time format is a 12-hour clock representation including a time marker ("t" or "tt"), then this parameter determines the character ("t") or characters ("tt") that designate PM in the time field data values. If nothing is entered, then the default PM designator for the selected locale will be used. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed. | String |
distance_field_units (Facultatif) |
Specifies the distance units that will be used in the output distance field.
| String |
distance_field_name (Facultatif) |
Specifies the name of the distance field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen. | String |
duration_field_units (Facultatif) | Specifies the time units that will be used in the output duration field.
| String |
duration_field_name (Facultatif) |
Specifies the name of the duration field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen. | String |
speed_field_units (Facultatif) | Specifies the speed units that will be used in the output speed field.
| String |
speed_field_name (Facultatif) | Specifies the name of the speed field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen. | String |
course_field_units (Facultatif) |
Specifies the course units that will be used in the output course field.
| String |
course_field_name (Facultatif) |
Specifies the name of the course field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen. | String |
Exemple de code
This sample shows how to run the tool on a feature class with a date field using the default units and output field names.
import arcpy
in_features = "C:\Data\Vehicles.gdb\Planes"
time_field = "DATE_TIME"
track_id_field = "ACID"
arcpy.TrackIntervalsToFeature_ta(in_features, time_field, track_id_field)
This sample shows how to run the tool on a feature class with a date field of data type text, specifying custom units and field names.
import arcpy
in_features = "C:\Data\Vehicles.gdb\Planes"
time_field = "DATE_TEXT"
track_id_field = "ACID"
calculation_method = "CURRENT_AND_NEXT_FEATURE"
time_field_format = "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"
distance_field_units = "MILES"
distance_field_name = "DISTANCE"
duration_field_units = "SECONDS"
duration_field_name = "DURATION"
speed_field_units = "KILOMETERS_PER_HOUR"
speed_field_name = "SPEED"
course_field_units = "DEGREES"
course_field_name = "HEADING"
arcpy.TrackIntervalsToFeature_ta(in_features, time_field, track_id_field, calculation_method, time_field_format, "", "", "", distance_field_units, distance_field_name, duration_field_units, duration_field_name, speed_field_units, speed_field_name, course_field_units, course_field_name)