Applying an e-mail alert service action to real-time data

L'action de service Alerte par courrier électronique envoie automatiquement un message électronique aux destinataires de votre choix lorsque l'action est déclenchée. Le message électronique peut être configuré à l'aide d'un éditeur de modèle. L'éditeur de modèle vous permet d'incorporer des valeurs issues de champs du message de données directement dans le corps du message électronique. En outre, vous pouvez créer une liste principale de destinataires dans laquelle vous pouvez sélectionner les destinataires de chaque action d'alerte par courrier électronique.

Etapes :
  1. Start ArcCatalog or access the Catalog window in ArcMap.
  2. If you are not already connected to a tracking connection, double-click an available tracking connection to connect to it.
  3. Expand the tracking connection to see a list of all the available tracking services. Right-click the tracking service you want to apply the action to and click Properties. The Service Properties dialog box appears.

    Alternatively, you can double-click the tracking service in the Catalog window.

  4. Click the Actions tab on the Service Properties form.
  5. Click the New Action button.
    Click the New Action... button to create a new action
  6. Click Email Alert Action in the Type of Action to Create panel.
    Select Email Alert Action.
  7. Click in the text box and type a name for the action, then click OK to launch the action parameters form.
  8. The Email Alert Action Parameters dialog box
  9. Click the Email Setup button on the Email Alert Action Parameters dialog box.
  10. Type the name of your e-mail server and domain in the Email Properties dialog box. Click OK to close the dialog box.
  11. Click the Recipients button on the Email Recipients dialog box.
  12. Type an e-mail address into the Enter Email address text box and click the Add button.

    Repeat this step as many times as needed to add all the e-mail addresses required for this action to the Master Email Address List. The Master Email Address List is a list of e-mail addresses that will be available to all e-mail alert actions created from the same workstation. To select an e-mail address for use with this specific e-mail alert action, the e-mail address must be added to the Selected Email Address List.

  13. Select an e-mail address from the Master Email Address List and click the Add button.

    Repeat this step as many times as needed to add all the e-mail addresses required for this action to the Selected Email Address List. E-mail addresses can be removed from the Selected Email Address List by selecting them and clicking the Remove button.

  14. Click OK to save all changes to the Master Email Address List and the Selected Email Address List.
  15. Click the Template Editor button on the Email Alert Action Parameters dialog box.

    This procedure assumes you have not created the e-mail template for this action. If you would like to use a previously created e-mail template, you can select it directly from the drop-down list on the Email Alert Action Parameters dialog box and skip the next few steps.

  16. Click the New button in the Template Selection panel in the Template Editor dialog box.
    The Template Editor dialog box

    If you would like to modify an existing template, you can select an existing template from the Template Selection panel and click the Edit button.

  17. Type a name for the template into the Name text box.

    If you are creating a new template from an existing template, you can change the name of the template to avoid overwriting the original template.

  18. Type your e-mail message into the Text text box.

    You can insert data values from a data message directly into your e-mail message by selecting a field from the Message Definition Fields list box and clicking the Insert Field button. If you select a date field, you can specify the format in which you would like the date and time information to appear using the Date Format and Time Format drop-down lists.

    RemarqueRemarque :

    Each e-mail alert message will correspond to a single data message that meets the trigger criteria you define. The values of the data fields from this data message will appear in your e-mail message.

  19. When you are done modifying your template, click the Apply Template button to save the changes to your template. Click OK to close the Template Editor dialog box.

    The template you created for this action should now appear selected in the Template drop-down menu in the Email Alert Action Parameters dialog box.

  20. Set the trigger for your action. Click the button in the How the action will be triggered panel to the desired option below and follow further instructions to set your trigger:


    The action will always be triggered.

    Attribute Query

    The action will be triggered based on attribute criteria. Learn how to set an attribute trigger.

    Location Query

    The action will be triggered based on location criteria. Learn how to set a location trigger.

    Attribute AND Location Query

    The action will be triggered based on a combination of attribute and location criteria.

  21. When you have finished setting the trigger for the action, click OK to create the action.
  22. The new action appears in the list of service actions for the tracking service. If other service actions appear in the list, you can use the UP and DOWN ARROW buttons to put them in the order in which you want them to be applied to the tracking service. You can also enable or disable a service action in the list by checking or unchecking its check box.
    The order of actions can be changed using the up and down arrow buttons
  23. Click Apply or OK on the Service Properties dialog box to apply the changes.

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