Configuring the Execute Application command

In Task Assistant Manager, you can associate ArcMap commands with a step in the workflow. The Task Manager Utilities category in the Command Item Editor contains commands that may be useful during workflow creation. Commands are associated with specific workflow steps and allow a specific function to occur when you run that step in the task assistant workflow.

The Execute Application command allows you to open a file or start an application when a user executes a step in the task assistant workflow.

Etapes :
  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. If necessary, click the Task Assistant button Task Assistant on the Task Manager toolbar to display the Task Assistant window.
  3. Open a task assistant workflow.
  4. Click to select the step to configure in the Task Assistant window.
  5. Click the Designer tab.
  6. Click the cell next to Commands and click the ellipsis (...) that appears.

    The Command Item Editor dialog box appears.

  7. In the Categories list, click the Task Manager Utilities category.
    Command Item Editor dialog box
  8. Double-click the Execute Application command.

    The Execute Application command is listed in the Selected Command area.

  9. Click the Command Parameters button Command Parameters.

    The Command Parameters dialog box appears.

  10. Click the ellipsis button (...).
  11. Navigate to the file or application you want to launch and click Open.

    By default, the application filters for EXE applications.


    Click the Files of type drop-down arrow and choose All Files to select a different file type.

  12. To indicate which file to open with the command, check the Additional Parameters check box.

    This enables the Additional Parameters text box, which allows you to enter the full directory path to a file you want to launch with the selected application.

    For example, you may want to direct users to edit an XML document. Depending on a user's settings, one user's computer may open an XML file in Internet Explorer, and another user may open an XML file in Notepad. With the Execute Application command, you can streamline the process to ensure that all users open an XML file in the same application.

    Execute Application command with Additional Parameters
  13. Cliquez sur OK.
  14. Click OK to close the Command Item Editor dialog box.