Adding commands to steps

In Task Assistant Manager, you can associate ArcMap or custom commands with a step in the workflow. When you associate multiple commands with a single step, commands are executed from top to bottom, in the order in which they appear in the Selected Commands list on the Command Item Editor dialog box. You can change the execution order by highlighting a command in the Selected Commands area and using the up and down arrows on the Command Item Editor dialog box to move the command in the list.

Etapes :
  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. If necessary, click the Task Assistant button Task Assistant on the Task Manager toolbar to display the Task Assistant window.
  3. Open a task assistant workflow.
  4. Click to select the step to configure in the Task Assistant window.
  5. Click the Designer tab.
  6. Click the cell next to Commands and click the ellipsis (...) that appears.

    The Command Item Editor dialog box appears.

    Command Item Editor dialog box

  7. In the Categories list, click the category of commands you want to use.
    RemarqueRemarque :

    If the category or command cannot be found, close the Command Item Editor dialog box and click Refresh Config on the Properties tab.

  8. In the Commands list, double-click the specific command you want to insert.

    The command is displayed in the Selected Commands area.

  9. If necessary, repeat steps 7 and 8 until all the commands you want to use for the step are displayed in the Selected Commands area.
  10. Cliquez sur OK.
  11. AstuceAstuce:

    You can get a description of what a command performs by highlighting the command in the Commands list and clicking Description.


    If you do not know the category for a specific command, type the command caption in the Show Commands containing text box to filter the list of categories and commands to only contain those that match the entered text. Clearing the entered text displays all categories and commands.
