Task assistant workflow components

Task assistant workflows are composed of nodes and tasks. There are three types of nodes you can use to create a workflow as a designer. The purpose of the nodes is to act as containers for tasks that are part of the workflow. The root node serves as a container for all of the subcontainers and tasks that are part of the workflow. The parent node is a container for tasks that are grouped based on functionality or where they fall in a procedure. The task nodes are the individual steps in a workflow. They can be configured to perform a range of tasks, from enabling layers in a map to changing the toolbars displayed in ArcMap.

Tasks can be represented in the workflow using a number of built-in node styles.

Node types

Task assistant workflows can be composed of the following types of nodes or steps:

A workflow with all the node types
RemarqueRemarque :

For ease of use, it is recommended that workflow and parent nodes not be configured to execute a process because they can be expanded without executing.

New steps can be added directly beneath a currently highlighted node or as the last step of a highlighted workflow node. Steps can be promoted, demoted, moved up, or moved down in the Task Assistant window.

For more information about step configuration, see Introducing the Designer tab.

Node styles

There are a number of different node styles that are included with Task Assistant Manager and can be used to represent the different nodes in a workflow. In addition to the preconfigured nodes that are part of the software, you can also create custom node styles.

Learn more about adding custom node styles


Node style


Root icon


Default icon for a workflow node

Parent icon


Default icon for a container or parent node

Task icon


Default icon for a task node or step

Help icon


Root, parent, or task node that indicates that the steps or series of substeps is an informational step and typically does not execute any functionality

Mandatory icon


Root, parent, or task node that indicates that the steps or series of substeps are required

RemarqueRemarque :

The Mandatory node style does NOT ensure that the step must be executed. It is only a visual cue to indicate that the step is required.

Warning icon


Root, parent, or task node that indicates that the steps or series of substeps impart some type of warning message to the user

RemarqueRemarque :

The Warning node style is used as a visual cue by Task Assistant Manager when a workflow is opened to indicate that configuration settings in the root, parent, or task nodes conflict with ArcGIS 10.2 configuration settings and need modification.

Information icon


Root, parent, or task node that indicates that the steps or series of substeps is an informational step and typically does not execute any functionality

Node style icons