Essential Task Assistant Manager vocabulary

Below are some common terms you will encounter when using Task Assistant Manager.

Node style

A node style is a visual indicator that can be assigned to a node to impart meaning to the Task Assistant user. You can leverage node styles to convey additional information about steps. For example, you may want to highlight mandatory or information steps by using corresponding node styles.

Style file

Task Assistant Manager style files allow node styles to be stored. There are two style files used by Task Assistant Manager—Default.TMStyle, which stores the default node styles, and Custom.TMStyle, which stores user-defined node styles. There are a set number of default node styles, and these cannot be modified. Users, however, can create any number of custom styles.

Style Manager

The Style Manager displays all the custom and default node styles. It allows you to view all of them and add, modify, and delete custom node styles. The Style Manager displays the contents of all the styles that are currently referenced by task assistant workflows. It also contains personal and additional styles that may be used in task assistant workflows.

Task Assistant configuration

Task Assistant configuration information consists of two types of information:

Configuration information is obtained directly from ArcMap when an ArcMap document is opened. It is used to populate the Designer tab and provide the options to construct a workflow step.

Task Assistant window

The Task Assistant window consists of the following components:

Task assistant workflow

A task assistant workflow consists of the series of steps necessary to complete a predefined task. Workflows may be defined to support common business tasks such as editing data, performing data analysis, and creating map displays.

Each of the steps in a task assistant workflow can perform one of the following tasks:

Installing Task Assistant Designer allows you to design and execute workflows. Installing Task Assistant User allows you to execute workflows only.

Workflow node/step

Workflow nodes/steps make up a task assistant workflow. Task assistant workflows can be composed of the following types of nodes or steps:

The following image displays the different node types:

Task Assistant workflow nodes

There must be at least one root node within a task assistant workflow.

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