Job Information
Cette rubrique s'applique uniquement à ArcGIS for Desktop Standard et ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced.
The Job Information button will present you with the Job Information window. This is a dockable window in ArcMap and can be treated like every other window. You can access job properties and extended properties, job history, job notes, job attachments, and step description.
Updating job properties
Start ArcMap through Workflow Manager, or use Job List to activate a job.
Enable the Workflow Manager toolbar and activate the Job Information window.
You can view and update properties of a job within ArcMap.
Click the Job Properties button on the Job Information window.
The Job Properties tab appears.
Choose the properties and make edits.
You can modify job assignment, job name, due date, data workspace, versions, and extended properties.
- Click Save to store your changes.

Adding comments to job history
Start ArcMap through Workflow Manager, or use Job List to activate a job.
Enable the Workflow Manager toolbar and activate the Job Information window.
You can view job history and add comments to the history of a job.
Click the Job History button on the Job Information window.
The Job History dialog box is activated.
A list of existing activities is displayed and grouped based on date.
Double-click the date.
The activities for that date are displayed.
Double-click an activity.
The details of that activity are displayed.
Click the Add Comment button.
The Enter Comment dialog box appears.
Type your comment and click OK.
The comment is added to the history log.
Managing job attachments
Start ArcMap through Workflow Manager, or use Job List to activate a job.
Enable the Workflow Manager toolbar and activate the Job Information window.
You can add, view, and delete attachments of a job.
Click the Job Attachment button on the Job Information window.
The Attachments dialog box is activated and a list of existing attachments is displayed.
Add a new attachment:
- Right-click in the contents view and click Add.
- Choose to link or embed the attachment.
Browse to the desired file and click OK.
The attachment is added to the job.
Delete an attachment:
- Select an existing attachment.
Right-click and click Delete.
The attachment is deleted from the job.
View an attachment:
- Select an existing attachment.
Right-click and click View.
The file opens in the default associated program.

Executing job steps through the Step Description window
Start ArcMap through Workflow Manager, or use Job List to activate a job.
Enable the Workflow Manager toolbar and activate the Job Information window.
The Step Description window allows you to execute the current job step from within ArcMap. It also presents you with more descriptive information configured on the individual step types.
Click the Step Description button on the Job Information window.
The Step Description dialog box appears.
The current step or steps are displayed in the drop-down list, and the execution tools are also available to execute steps or check steps as completed.
Click the execution tools to complete a step.
The current step is completed and the workflow moves to the next step.
Adding job information on the Notes tab
Start ArcMap through Workflow Manager, or use Job List to activate a job.
Enable the Workflow Manager toolbar and activate the Job Information window.
You can add notes to a job from the Notes tab.
Click the Notes button on the Job Information window.
The Notes dialog box appears.
- Type any desired details to capture more job-specific information.
- Click the Save button to store the information.