Altering the anisotropy parameters when modeling semivariogram and covariance functions

Etapes :
  1. Set the Anisotropy flag to True on the Semivariogram/Covariance Modeling dialog box.

    The Major Range, Minor Range, and Direction controls appear.

  2. Click the calculator icon next to Major Range. The icon changes to a pencil icon and the input box becomes active). Type the desired length of the range.
  3. Click the calculator icon next to Minor Range. The icon changes to a pencil icon and the input box becomes active). Type the desired length of the range.
  4. Click the calculator icon next to Direction. The icon changes to a pencil icon and the input box becomes active). Type the desired angle.
The pencil icon next to the Major Range, Minor Range, and Direction input boxes allows you to edit the input values. By clicking the calculator icon (the icon toggles between a calculator and a pencil), the optimal values are calculated and set for the input parameters.