Creating a kriging map using the default options

Maps can be created using ordinary kriging and default parameter values determined by the wizard. It is a good idea, however, to treat this as a preliminary model and refine it by using the ESDA tools and the options in the wizard to investigate the data.

An output surface is created using the ordinary kriging method with default parameters.

Use this method when you are unfamiliar with geostatistics and the many parameters in the wizard dialog boxes. You should also use it to create an initial surface to compare how the refinement of the parameters may affect the output surface.

The input data needs to be from a phenomenon that is continuous in space like elevation, temperature, or air quality measurements.

Etapes :
  1. Cliquez sur le bouton Assistant géostatistique Geostatistical Wizard sur la barre d'outils Geostatistical Analyst.
  2. Sélectionnez la méthode de krigeage, ainsi que les données source, puis cliquez sur Suivant.
  3. Choose Ordinary Kriging and click Next.

    Once the kriging type has been identified, you can click the Finish button and a surface is created using the default options for the method.

  4. Click Next on all subsequent dialog boxes.
  5. Click Finish on the Cross Validation dialog box.
  6. Click OK on the Method Report dialog box.