GetSeverityLevel (arcpy)


Returns the severity level. The severity level is used to control how geoprocessing tools throw exceptions.


GetSeverityLevel ()
Valeur renvoyée
Type de donnéesExplication

The severity level.

  • 0A tool will not throw an exception, even if the tool produces an error or warning.
  • 1If a tool produces a warning or an error, it will throw an exception.
  • 2If a tool produces an error, it will throw an exception. This is the default.

Exemple de code

GetSeverityLevel example

Use SetSeverityLevel to force tool to throw an exception when a tool warning is encountered.

import arcpy
from arcpy import env

fc1 = 'c:/resources/resources.gdb/boundary'
fc2 = 'c:/resources/resources.gdb/boundary2'

# Set the severity level to 1 (tool warnings will throw an exception)
print arcpy.GetSeverityLevel()

    # FeatureCompare returns warning messages when a miscompare is
    #  found.  This normally would not cause an exception, however, by 
    #  setting the severity level to 1, all tool warnings will also 
    #  through an exception.
    arcpy.FeatureCompare_management(fc1, fc2, "OBJECTID")
    print arcpy.GetMessages()

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