Replicate Job Data (Workflow Manager)

Niveau de licence :De baseStandardAvancé


Replicates the Workflow Manager repository from a server to other servers. This tool requires that you have Workflow Manager server installed and configured across all participating nodes.

The ArcGIS Workflow Manager extension allows you to have distributed repositories across multiple servers or locations to support distributed workforces. These repositories participate in what is referred to as Workflow Manager Clusters. The process of defining repositories that participate in clusters require defining the server names. Once the server names are defined, the master database will create a copy of its Workflow Manager repository to every other child repositories in the cluster. This ensures that all the servers participating in the distributed repositories have identical configurations.



ReplicateJobData_wmx (Input_Parent_Repository_URL, Input_Parent_Repository_Name, Input_Multi_Name)
ParamètreExplicationType de données

The URL for the parent repository will be the Workflow Manager server URL—for example, http://localhost/arcgis/services/parent/wmserver.


The parent repository that will be distributing the Workflow Manager jobs and configuration elements.

[[child_name, server_status, URL],...]

A list of repositories that will participate as children in the cluster.

Value Table

Exemple de code

ReplicateJobData example stand-alone Python script

In this example, a replica of the workflow manager repository is created between Redlands and Ohio.

Replicate Job Data

# Import arcpy module
import arcpy

# Check out any necessary licenses

# Local variables:
Input_Parent_Repository_URL = "http://ServerName/arcgis/services/ServerObjectName/WMServer"
Input_Parent_Repository_Name = "Redlands_Repository"
Input_Multi_Name = "Ohio_Repository true http://ohioServer/arcgis/services/SO/WMServer;
AZ_Repository true http://AZServer/arcgis/services/SO/JTServer"

# Process: Export Job Data
arcpy.CreateJobDataReplica_WMX(Input_Parent_Repository_URL, Input_Parent_Repository_Name, Input_Multi_Name)


Cet outil n'utilise aucun environnement de géotraitement

Thèmes connexes

Informations de licence

ArcGIS for Desktop Basic : Annuler
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard : Requis Workflow Manager
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced : Requis Workflow Manager