During the introduction video, we will cover a generic definition of Schematics as well as a more specific definition of ArcGIS Schematics. This video will finish with some basic product demonstrations.
The configuration videos will cover the most common configuration topics for Schematics. We will start by learning how to create and edit schematic datasets. We will then learn about the concept of Schematic Builders and how to configure Schematics to work with data from geometric networks, network datasets, xml data and custom query data. This set of videos will finish by showing how to configure attributes and rules as well as work with the concepts of Container, NodeOnLink and Sublink objects.
The usage set of videos are all focused on the people that view, create, modify and update schematic diagrams. We will start by exploring how to work with symbology and labeling of schematic diagrams. We will then look at generating, editing and updating diagrams. Next we will look at how schematics works with SDE and versioning. This set of videos will finish with a look at using schematics on ArcGIS Server.
We hope you enjoy the series and that you find the information useful and relevant.
Introduce the ArcGIS Schematics Video Series which cover the main Schematics concepts, core configuration and usage of Schematics. Remarque : Beginners audience. |
Explain what are schematics in general and what is the ArcGIS Schematics extension. Present the extension through a set of slides and a quick demonstration. Remarque : Beginners audience. |
Explain what is a schematic dataset, learn how to create one and edit it. Remarque : Beginners audience. |
Briefly introduce the different schematic builders, and then focus on the Standard builder configuration to generate diagrams from GIS data organized into a geometric network Remarque : Beginners audience. |
Introduce the Network Dataset builder configuration to generate schematic diagrams from solved network analysis layers. Remarque : Beginners audience. |
Introduce the XML builder configuration to generate schematic diagrams from XML data. Remarque : Beginners audience. |
Learn how to configure a schematic dataset to run standard SQL queries to a table or set of tables and then use the result to create nodes, links and connectivity on diagrams. Remarque : Beginners audience. |
Learn what schematic attributes are and how to configure them. Remarque : Advanced audience. |
Learn how to configure schematic rules to get the final visualization that you need in your diagrams, how to configure the layout algorithms you want to be available to your users, how to preset the parameters for a layout algorithm, and how to use one of them as the default layout for a diagram template. Remarque : Advanced audience. |
Learn what schematic containers are, how they can be useful to relate schematic features contained in your diagrams, and how to configure them. Remarque : Advanced audience. |
Learn how Schematics can be used to produce diagrams from different utility networks (electric, pipelines, etc), how basic schematic configuration can be quickly set up to generate diagrams, how diagrams can be published on an ArcGIS Server and visualize on a client Web-application. Remarque : Utilities users audience. |