StreetMap Premium Overview
StreetMap Premium for ArcGIS, based on commercial street reference data from NAVTEQ and TomTom for North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) and Europe, is optimized, structured, and compressed to ensure higher usability with Esri software products and offers ease of deployment. The ready-to-use dataset includes streets and road networks, as well as detailed basemap data. In addition to the routing offered through the "Find Route" tool within ArcGIS for Desktop, StreetMap Premium can also be used with the ArcGIS Network Analyst extension to take advantage of the historic traffic and truck restrictions data to provide a more accurate route.
The standardized data structure of StreetMap Premium enables users to achieve the highest address geocoding match rates, generate the best routes and driving directions, as well as allows interaction with superior basemaps. Cartographic applications that require addressing and locality information and scheduling applications that require the most updated street and address information are a perfect fit for StreetMap Premium.
StreetMap Premium for ArcGIS offers access to three key functions:
Generate shortest-distance, fastest, point-to-point, or multistop routes. For any route generated, StreetMap Premium takes one-way and turn restriction information into consideration, ensuring route planning is as accurate as possible.
With StreetMap Premium, users have the ability to geocode addresses individually or in batch mode. Those addresses can then be added as stops along a route.
StreetMap Premium is ideal for high-quality basemaps and cartographic output. Street levels, landmarks, county lines, water bodies, and more are presymbolized. Scale-dependent features, labels, and themes automatically turn on or off according to the zoom level selected.
StreetMap Premium is delivered on DVD and includes data layers and complete documentation. The standard subscription includes regular data updates to ensure the most accurate geocoding, routing and cartographic output possible.