Adding filtered bathymetry from the Compose Surface window (Bathymetry Solution)

To create ordered bathymetric surfaces and surface models, you need to add bathymetry datasets to the Compose Surface window. You can add datasets filtered in the Compose Surface window itself or from the Explore Bathymetry window.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Bathymetry.
  3. Click the Compose Surface button Compose Surface on the Bathymetry toolbar.

    The Compose Surface window appears. The right side of the window lists any filtered BIS datasets that have already been imported.

  4. Click the Add Datasets From Explore Bathymetry Window button Add Datasets From Explore Bathymetry Window located at the top of the Compose Surface window.

    Datasets filtered in your last Explore Bathymetry session are automatically added to the Compose Surface window.

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