An overview of the Cartography toolset

The Nautical toolbox's Cartography toolset provides tools that can be used to finish a nautical chart for final production. These tools allow you to generate cartographic data for your charts.



Chart Automation

Runs selected chart finishing processes on a chart product. Processes include adding layers to the TOC, generating cartographic limits, creating grids and graticules, converting labels to annotation, and masking annotation.

Generate Annotation Masks

Generates polygon masks for annotation features that intersect other polyline features. This tool supports nautical cartographic workflows that require masking based on geographic coincidence to specified input features. The specified input features (those that intersect the input annotation features) are polylines from the ArcGIS for Maritime: Cartografía data model or other sources.

Generate Cartographic Limits

Facilita la eliminación de entidades coincidentes a lo largo de una línea de costa, y elimina las máscaras. Esto mejora la calidad de la presentación cartográfica de cartas náuticas, digitales e impresas, del siguiente modo:

  • Establece un límite del área marítima de entidades coincidentes con una línea costera
  • Reduce el número de entidades representadas en la carta náutica
  • Reduce los tiempos de trazado y exportación de productos náuticos

Generate Light Sector

Creates light sector features based on a specified point feature class. Light sectors typically appear on nautical charts and depict the distance a light can be seen from its source. Light sectors are based on light features in the AidsToNavigationP feature class in the ArcGIS for Maritime: Cartografía.

Tools in the Cartography toolset

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