An overview of the TDS Metadata Ingest toolset

The Topographic Data Stores (TDS) Metadata Ingest tools allow you to transfer metadata between different Defense Mapping data models.



Export to MGCP

Exports Topographic Features Data Management (TFDM) DatasetAreas and CollectionAreas features to Multinational Geospatial Co-production Program (MGCP) Cell, Subregion, and Source metadata feature classes in an MGCP geodatabase.

Export to TGD

Exports Topographic Features Data Management (TFDM) DatasetAreas and CollectionAreas attribute values to feature-level metadata in a Theatre Geospatial Database (TGD) geodatabase. TGD features that intersect DatasetAreas and CollectionAreas features are updated with attribute values from the TFDM geodatabase.

Import From MGCP

Imports Multinational Geospatial Co-production Program (MGCP) metadata into a Topographic Features Data Management (TFDM) geodatabase.

Import From GIFD/TGD Metadata

Imports feature-level metadata from Geospatial Intelligence Feature Database (GIFD) or Theatre Geospatial Database (TGD) geodatabases to the Topographic Features Data Management (TFDM) DatasetSrf and CollectionSrf feature classes.

Tools in the TDS Metadata Ingest toolset

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