Configuring the NIS geodatabase (Maritime Charting)

If you will be working with an enterprise production environment, you can implement any central database or load the Nautical Information System (NIS) XML workspace available with ArcGIS for Maritime: Cartografía and use this implementation in an enterprise geodatabase in SQL Server.

Configuring log file tables

Las geodatabases corporativas utilizan tablas de archivo de registro para mantener listas de registros seleccionados. La aplicación escribe los registros en las tablas de archivo de registro para uso posterior, cuando se realiza una selección de un tamaño específico, una conciliación o publicación en una base de datos versionada o un check-out de edición sin conexión en una aplicación de cliente. Las tablas de archivo de registro almacenan los ObjectID de las entidades seleccionadas para que se puedan volver a visualizar. Esto permite analizar y procesar la información con más rapidez.

Por defecto, en ArcGIS las tablas de archivo de registro se utilizan si el conjunto de selección contiene 100 registros o más. Este umbral de selección de 100 entidades se establece en el registro. Se puede cambiar, pero Esri recomienda que no se modifique. No existen motivos de rendimiento comprobados para cambiarlo y, si lo hace, podría causar problemas en el rendimiento.

Las opciones de archivo de registro se establecen por medio de parámetros específicos en las tablas SDE_server_config y SDE_dbtune.

Estos parámetros se modifican con los comandos sdeconfig y sdedbtune, respectivamente. Estos comandos y las otras herramientas de línea de comandos de administración de ArcSDE deben descargarse del Portal de atención al cliente de Esri con el servidor de la aplicación ArcSDE. Sintaxis y ejemplos de cómo utilizar los comandos se proporcionan en la Referencia de comandos de administración de ArcSDE, que se proporciona con la instalación del servidor de aplicaciones de ArcSDE.

Para SQL Server, la configuración de archivos de registro predeterminada es archivos de registro basados en la sesión y creados en la base de datos temporal (tempdb).

Con los ajustes predeterminados, se crea una tabla en la base de datos tempdb con el formato ##SDE_SESSION<SDE_ID>_<DBID>. El identificador <SDE_ID> es el único identificador de sesión de la tabla SDE_process_information. <dbid> es el identificador de base de datos de SQL Server. Esta tabla se trunca cuando la aplicación de conexión borra los archivos de registro y se elimina cuando la sesión se desconecta. Si utiliza los ajustes de SQL Server recomendados para bases de datos locales, los usuarios solo necesitan poder conectarse a la base de datos y no necesitan privilegios CREATE TABLE.

En la mayoría de los casos, la configuración predeterminada del archivo de registro de ArcSDE para su sistema de administración de bases de datos (DBMS) es la adecuada y recomendada.

Consulte información más detallada acerca de las tablas de archivo de registro en Opciones de configuración de tablas de archivo de registro para geodatabases en SQL Server.

Importing the NIS schema workspace

The NIS XML workspace includes one Nautical feature dataset, three delete feature classes that store the deleted features, one ClosingLinesL feature class that can be used to generate depth areas, collections and FREL tables that store spatial relationship information, and other tables.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. In the Catalog window, expand Database Connections.
  3. Double-click the NIS owner connection geodatabase to connect to it.
  4. Right-click the geodatabase you just connected to and click Import > XML Workspace Document.
  5. Click the Data option if it is not already selected.
  6. Browse to one of the following locations to open the XML file:
    • For 32-bit Windows operating systems—<Install directory>\Program Files\ArcGIS\MaritimeCharting\Desktop10.2.2\Nis\Schemas\Workspace
    • For 64-bit Windows operating systems—<Install directory>\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\MaritimeCharting\Desktop10.2.2\Nis\Schemas\Workspace
  8. Haga clic en Abrir.
  9. Haga clic en Siguiente.
  10. Haga clic en Finalizar.

Versioning and archiving on the NIS database

Register the following objects as versioned and enable archiving.

Object type



Nautical feature dataset

Feature classes

  • ClosingLinesL



  1. In the Catalog window, click the Toggle Contents Panel button Alternar el panel de contenido at the top.

    The Toggle Contents Panel dialog box appears.

  2. Select the Nautical feature dataset, right-click, then click Manage > Register As Versioned.

    Do not check the Register the selected objects with the option to move edits to base check box.

  3. Haga clic en Aceptar.
  4. Select the Nautical feature dataset, right-click, then click Manage > Enable Archiving.
  5. Select the feature classes listed above, right-click the selection, and click Manage > Register As Versioned.

    Do not check the Register the selected objects with the option to move edits to base check box.

  6. Haga clic en Aceptar.
  7. Right-click the selected feature classes and click Manage > Enable Archiving.
  8. Select the tables listed above, right-click the selection, and click Manage > Register As Versioned.

    Do not check the Register the selected objects with the option to move edits to base check box.

  9. Haga clic en Aceptar.
  10. Right-click the selected tables and click Manage > Enable Archiving.

Defining the NIS database as the production workspace

When creating products using the product library, the production workspace should be pointing to your NIS database so the different processes in the product library can access the central database (NIS) to extract data and create the replica connections from the NIS database to the production database.

  1. If necessary, open the Product Library window by clicking Customize > Production > Product Library on the main menu.

    A tree view of the product library appears.

  2. Right-click Product Library and click Select Product Library.

    The Choose Product Library Workspace dialog box appears.

  3. Navigate to the product library database (product library owner connection file).
  4. Haga clic en Abrir.
  5. Click the Add Data button Agregar datos on the Standard toolbar and add any table or feature class from your NIS database.

    Alternatively, you can drag and drop a table or feature class in the Catalog window from your NIS database into the Table Of Contents window.

  6. In the Product Library tree view, right-click the NIS database and click Create Production Database.
    Product Library tree view for NIS

    The Select Extensions dialog box appears.

  7. Click the Nautical extension and click OK.
  8. Click the drop-down arrow in the Select Configuration Keyword area and choose an option.

    Options may vary based on whether the database is a personal, file, or ArcSDE geodatabase. For an ArcSDE geodatabase, you can choose DEFAULTS unless you have configured a different ArcSDE configuration keyword.

    • DEFAULTS—Stores data up to 1 TB in size; text is stored in UTF8 format.
    • TEXT_UTF16—Stores data up to 1 TB in size; text is stored in UTF16 format.
    • MAX_FILE_SIZE_4GB—Limits data size to 4 GB; text is stored in UTF8 format.
    • MAX_FILE_SIZE_256TB—Stores data up to 256 TB in size; text is stored in UTF8 format.
  9. Click OK.

    The Creating Production Database Workspace dialog box appears with the progress.

  10. Click OK when the process completes.
  11. On the main menu, click Customize > Production > Production Properties.

    The Production Properties dialog box appears.

  12. Click Nautical Properties.
  13. In the Nautical Information System (NIS) section, click the Click to edit property cell next to Workspace and click the ellipsis (...) that appears.
  14. Browse to the location of your NIS database (NIS owner connection file).
  15. Click Open.

    The NIS workspace location is added to the property.

  16. Click OK to close the Production Properties dialog box.
  17. Right-click Product Library and click Configure > Set NIS Owner Workspace.

    A message appears asking if you want to set the NIS Owner Workspace.

  18. Click Yes.

    A message appears saying the NIS Owner Workspace was set successfully.

  19. Haga clic en Aceptar.

Associating the NIS data model version

The NIS data model version in the product library represents the schema of the database and the product class version that will contain the configuration files. To ensure that the correct schema and configuration files are used when editing a production database, you need to associate the NIS data model version in the product library to the NIS database.

  1. Right-click the NIS database and click Choose Data Model Versions.

    The Choose Data Model Versions dialog box appears.

  2. Check the check box next to the NIS data model you want to associate with this NIS database.
  3. Haga clic en Aceptar.
  4. If there is only one data model version, this will be set as the active one; if there is more than one data model version, follow the rest of the steps to set the current one.

  5. If necessary, expand the NIS database and Data Models.
  6. Right-click the data model version and click Set As Active.

    The data model version font changes to bold to indicate that it is the current data model version for the production database.

Granting privileges to the database role

You need to assign privileges to the components in the enterprise geodatabase in SQL Server.

Grant the following privileges to the CDR_EDITOR and CDR_VIEWER database roles for the Nautical feature dataset, all feature classes, and all tables (including the CDR and Prod tables).




Select, Insert, Update, Delete



  1. In the Catalog window, click the Toggle Contents Panel button Alternar el panel de contenido at the top.

    The Toggle Contents Panel dialog box appears.

  2. Select the Nautical feature dataset, right-click, then click Manage > Privileges.

    The Privileges dialog box appears.

  3. Haga clic en Agregar.
  4. Type CDR_EDITOR in the User/Role text box.
  5. Haga clic en Aceptar.
  6. Haga clic en Agregar.
  7. Type CDR_VIEWER in the User/Role text box.
  8. Haga clic en Aceptar.
  9. Check the Select, Insert, Update, and Delete check boxes for CDR_EDITOR.
  10. Check the Select check box for CDR_VIEWER.

    The privileges should look something like the following.

    Privileges for NIS editors and viewers
  11. Haga clic en Aceptar.
  12. Select every table stored in the NIS with the exception of the following:
    • Nautical feature dataset
    • ClosingLinesL
  13. Right-click the selected tables and click Manage > Privileges.

    The Change Privileges dialog box appears.

  14. Type CDR_EDITOR in the User text box.
  15. Click the View (Select) (optional) drop-down arrow and choose GRANT.
  16. Click the Edit (Update/Insert/Delete) (optional) drop-down arrow and choose GRANT.
  17. Haga clic en Aceptar.
  18. Right-click the selected tables and click Manage > Privileges.

    The Change Privileges dialog box appears.

  19. Type CDR_VIEWER in the User text box.
  20. Click the View (Select) (optional) drop-down arrow and choose GRANT.
  21. Haga clic en Aceptar.
  22. Select the following feature classes stored in the NIS:
    • ClosingLinesL
  23. Right-click the selected feature classes and click Manage > Privileges.

    The Change Privileges dialog box appears.

  24. Type CDR_EDITOR in the User text box.
  25. Click the View (Select) (optional) drop-down arrow and choose GRANT.
  26. Click the Edit (Update/Insert/Delete) (optional) drop-down arrow and choose GRANT.
  27. Haga clic en Aceptar.
  28. Right-click the selected feature classes and click Manage > Privileges.

    The Change Privileges dialog box appears.

  29. Type CDR_VIEWER in the User text box.
  30. Click the View (Select) (optional) drop-down arrow and choose GRANT.
  31. Haga clic en Aceptar.
  32. Close ArcMap.