Adding a comment to a correction for a Notice to Mariners (Maritime Charting)

You can add descriptive information as comments to a correction. The comments will be stored with the exported Notice to Mariners (NTM) file, not the parsed NTM file.


This assists with quality control.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. If necessary, set up the DNC production environment.
  3. Click the Notice To Mariners button Notice To Mariners on the Nautical DNC toolbar.
  4. Navigate to the location of the parsed NGA text file and click Select.

    The Notice to Mariners dialog box appears.

    Notice to Mariners dialog box
  5. Right-click the reference number for which you want to add a comment and click Comment.

    The Comment dialog box appears.

  6. Type a comment in the Enter Comment text box.

    Up to 255 characters are allowed.

  7. Haga clic en Aceptar.