Exporting a chart (Maritime Charting)

Once you have finished cartographic edits within your map document, you can export the map document contents to a digital format for printing and distribution. This can be done through the Product Library window using the Export Nautical Product command. The export process packages your map document, exported files, and any other attached files you want to include in the export package. The following export image formats are supported:


You can also export all of these formats in ArcMap by clicking File from the main menu and clicking Export Map.


If your agency produces BSB files, there is a setting required to enable this format.

The export package is a versioned ZIP file that is stored and managed by the product library. It can be accessed in the Product Library window using the Manage Files command. The export package cannot be checked out by any user, including administrators. To access the export package, a user must copy the file onto their local machine using the Get Local Copy command. Each package is given an edition and update number based on the export type. Users can access previous versions from this dialog box.

Defining the export type and attaching files

You can choose whether the package is a New Edition or Update. In addition, you have the option to append other applicable files to your chart package.


If you want to export a product without creating an export package, check the Sample Export check box. This option allows you to modify the metadata and perform an export that will only get written to the file location you select. For example, you can export a product that has already been exported but that references different units of measurement in the HUNI, DUNI, and/or PUNI DSPM fields.

Choosing the export type

When numerous modifications or updates have been applied to a product, a hydrographic agency usually issues a New Edition.

An Update contains minor changes to a published product, such as the removal of a buoy symbol or moving a sounding depth from one place to another.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. If necessary, open the Product Library window by clicking Customize > Production > Product Library on the main menu.

    A tree view of the product library appears.

    Product Library tree view
  3. If necessary, expand Product Library and Products.
  4. Navigate to and check out the product you want to export with the Open check box checked on the Check Out Product dialog box.
  5. Click View > Layout View.

    You can also switch to layout view by clicking the Layout View button Vista de composición de mapa at the bottom left of the ArcMap window.

  6. Right-click the product and click Export Nautical Product.

    The Export Nautical Product dialog box Export Information area appears.

  7. Click the Chart Export Type drop-down arrow and choose the export type you want.
    • New Edition—An existing chart with extensive updates that is republished electronically or in hard copy form.
    • Update—Minor changes to a published New Edition chart.
  8. Click the ellipsis button (...) in the Export Location area and browse to the location where you want to store your package.

    If you previously exported from the product library, the output location you chose appears in the Export Location area.

  9. Optionally, skip the next section and click Next if you don't want to attach files.

Attaching files

You have the option to attach files to your package, such as a supporting text or image file.

  1. Click Add in the Attach Files area.

    The Insert File dialog box appears.

  2. Navigate to the location where the files you want to attach are stored.
  3. Choose the files you want to add.

    Use the SHIFT or CTRL keys to select multiple files if necessary.

  4. Haga clic en Abrir.
  5. SugerenciaSugerencia:

    If you accidentally added a file you do not want to add to your export package, select the row for the file and click Remove.

  6. Haga clic en Siguiente.

Selecting the chart format type

You can export multiple format types in one export package. For example, you can choose to export a BSB, PDF, and TIFF of a New Edition.

  1. Click Add.

    An empty row appears at the top of the Export list.

  2. Click the Export Format drop-down arrow and choose the raster file format you want to export.
    • BMP
    • GIF
    • EPS
    • SVG
    • PNG
    • TIFF
    • JPEG
    • PDF
    • EMF
    • AI
    • Layout GeoTIFF
    • Production PDF
    • Separated TIFF
    • BSB

    The name of your product is automatically populated in the Name field.

  3. If necessary, change the name of the product by clicking the text and typing your own value.

    When exporting to BSB you must change the file name to the chart number.

  4. If necessary, adjust the file format properties by clicking the ellipsis button (...) in the Export Settings field.

    Each supported raster file format can have its own unique properties.

    Your chart can be exported into multiple raster formats during one export session.

  5. If necessary, repeat steps 1–4 for each raster file format you need to export.
  6. Haga clic en Siguiente.

Adding metadata to the product

You can view and modify your product's metadata values. The left side of the view shows the metadata fields and the right side shows the values. You can input new values in the fields that are not disabled.

Each node in the metadata view represents your product or instance.


BSB products and instances are listed when the BSB setting is enabled.

  1. Type new values in the cells next to the fields for which you want to add metadata.
  2. Click Next once you are finished updating the metadata information.

Viewing the chart export summary

You can review your export format and metadata entries before exporting your package.

  1. Scroll through the export summary and verify that your export type, export location, export version, and any attached files are correct.
  2. Review the metadata summary.
  3. If any errors are found, click Back to go back and make any necessary changes.
  4. Once you have reviewed and made any necessary changes, click Finish.

    A progress dialog box appears showing the export process. When the process completes, a path to your export package is listed.

  5. Click OK to close the progress dialog box.

    You can navigate to the location of the export and open the export package. The package is also stored in the product library at the product level. You can view the export package through the file manager.

You have now created an export package to one or more formats of your choice.

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