Creating a new rounding rule (Maritime Charting)

ArcGIS for Maritime: Cartografía allows you to define rounding rules that the system will honor during production.

A rounding rule is composed of rounding rule intervals and primary and secondary mappings for each interval.

  1. Start ArcCatalog.
  2. Add the Rounding Rule Definition tool to a toolbar by completing the following steps:
    1. On the main menu, click Customize > Customize Mode.

      The Customize dialog box appears.

    2. Click the Commands tab.
    3. In the Categories list, choose Nautical.
    4. In the Commands list, click and drag the Rounding Rule Definition button Rounding Rule Definition to a toolbar.
    5. Click Close.
  3. Click the Rounding Rule Definition button Rounding Rule Definition.

    The Rounding Rule Definition dialog box appears.

    Rounding Rule Definition window
  4. Type the name of the rounding rule in the New Rounding Rule Name text box.
  5. Click Create.
  6. In the Rounding Rule Intervals area, click Add.
  7. Click the Units drop-down arrow and choose the appropriate units.
  8. Click the blank table record to define the new rounding rule interval.
  9. Click the first column and choose the parameter for inclusive or exclusive from the drop-down list.
    • [ ]—A bracket includes the value.
    • ( )—A parenthesis excludes the value.
  10. Type a minimum value in the Min text box.
  11. Type a maximum value in the Max text box.
  12. Click the fourth column and choose the parameter for inclusive or exclusive from the drop-down list.
    • [ ]—A bracket includes the value.
    • ( )—A parenthesis excludes the value.
  13. Type a value in the Precision text box.
  14. Make sure the correct rounding rule interval is highlighted.
  15. In the Primary Mapping For Rounding Rule Interval area, click Add.
  16. Check the appropriate check boxes to preserve leading and/or trailing zeros.
  17. Click the blank table record to define the new rounding rule interval.
  18. Choose either a bracket for inclusive or parenthesis for exclusive from the drop-down list.
  19. Type a minimum value in the Min text box.
  20. Type a maximum value in the Max text box.
  21. Choose either a bracket for an inclusive or parenthesis for exclusive from the drop-down list.
  22. Type a value in the Mapping text box.
  23. Click OK to close the Rounding Rule Definition dialog box or follow the rest of the steps to create a secondary mapping.

    Creating a secondary mapping is optional.

  24. Make sure the correct rounding rule interval is highlighted.
  25. In the Secondary Mapping for Rounding Rule Interval area, check the Apply different units for fractional part check box.
  26. Click Add to add a secondary mapping rounding rule.
  27. Click the Conversion drop-down arrow and choose a conversion.
  28. Click the blank table record to define the new rounding rule interval.
  29. Choose either a bracket for inclusive or parentheses for exclusive from the drop-down list.
  30. Type a minimum value in the Min text box.
  31. Type a maximum value in the Max text box.
  32. Choose either a bracket for inclusive or parentheses for exclusive from the drop-down list.
  33. Type a value in the Mapping text box.
  34. Repeat steps 25 through 33 for additional secondary mappings.
  35. Haga clic en Aceptar.

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