Introduction to storing the Production Mapping workspace in SQL Server (Production Mapping)
An Esri Production Mapping workspace contains the data you are using for production tasks, such as creating and updating features. Depending on the data model you are using, data in a Production Mapping workspace can be used to create a digital or hard-copy map/chart or a specific type of data. The data in a Production Mapping workspace usually corresponds with a data model and product class in the product library, but not always.
Este libro de guía está diseñado para administradores de base de datos a modo de recomendaciones para establecer el espacio de trabajo en una enterprise geodatabase in SQL Server. La enterprise geodatabase usa la tecnología ArcSDE como puerta de enlace entre los clientes del sistema de información geográfica (SIG) y SQL Server.
ArcSDE service software installation
Connections to enterprise geodatabases use direct connections by default, but the ArcSDE application service is required if you want to connect to your geodatabase using the ArcSDE service connections. Direct connections are recommended.
If you will only be using direct connections and don't want the administration command line tools, ArcSDE installation isn't required.
If you want to install the ArcSDE application service or the administration command line tools, you need to download the ArcSDE installation files for your database management system and operating system from the Esri Customer Care portal. It may be useful to install the ArcSDE administration command line tools to perform certain advanced configuration operations.
For more information on ArcSDE services, see What is an ArcSDE service.
SQL Server installation
Antes de iniciar este libro de guía, instale SQL Server 2008 R2 en un sistema operativo Windows. La configuración predeterminada para el sistema de administración de bases de datos de SQL Server funciona bien con ArcSDE. Configure la instancia para aceptar conexiones remotas.
Cuando instala SQL Server, asegúrese de instalar Búsqueda de texto completo.