Essential Production Mapping vocabulary (Production Mapping)

Below are common terms that are encountered when using Production Mapping.

Area of interest

A polygon feature that represents the specific geographic extent of the instance. This could be an index feature from a feature class that contains all the chart or map extents for a region or the world. Examples include a country, region, or area based on an index of map extents. Area of interest is abbreviated as AOI.

Trabajo por lotes

Un trabajo por lotes es un grupo de comprobaciones que se pueden ejecutar contra un espacio de trabajo de datos. Los trabajos por lotes se pueden utilizar para asegurarse de que los datos se ajusten a las especificaciones del producto que su organización utiliza para crear datos y productos digitales e impresos.


Una comprobación es una herramienta que se utiliza para validar datos contra una condición específica. Por ejemplo, la comprobación de geometría sobre geometría se puede utilizar para asegurarse de que los edificios no se hayan digitalizado sobre lagos.

Composite template

A composite template is a group of two or more feature templates that can be used to create multiple features with one edit sketch. Composite templates define which templates will be used and what order the features will be created in. Specific construction tools have been designed to determine how the features will be created. For example, you can create a composite template for a line layer and a point layer, but it is the construction tool that will determine if the point is created at the start of the line, in the middle of the line, or at every vertex along the line.

Feature-level metadata

Feature-level metadata is attributes on a feature and is used to store metadata about the feature. Feature-level metadata can include information such as the following:

Plantilla de entidad

Creating features is accomplished through the use of feature templates. Feature templates define all the information required to create a feature: the layer where a feature will be stored, the attributes a feature is created with, and the default tool used to create that feature. Templates also have a name, description, and tags that can help you find and organize them. If templates are not present when you start editing, they are automatically created for each layer in the current editing workspace. Templates are saved in the map document (.mxd) and the layer file (.lyr).

Los términos "plantilla de entidad" y "plantilla" se utilizan interactivamente en la ayuda de Edición.

Field configurations

Define custom Production Mapping properties about your fields. This includes how the field is displayed in tool dialog boxes and windows, such as Feature Manager, what type of control is used to edit the field, or if the field is considered feature-level metadata. Field configuration can also be used to determine which attributes will be used when dissolving features with the Production Dissolve tool and how the other attributes will be populated. Field configurations are created using the Manage Field Configurations command, which can be accessed from the Product Library window.


A geographic extent on a product. An instance is associated with a data frame on the map document. A product can have one or more instances on it, which means it can also have more than one data frame (one for each instance). The instance can contain the main map data or be used as an inset.

Evaluación de la exactitud posicional

La evaluación de exactitud posicional es el proceso de determinar el valor cuantificable que representa la diferencia posicional entre dos capas geoespaciales o entre una capa geoespacial y el terreno real en el cual la capa está basado.

Product library

Geodatabase that allows multiuser environments to centralize information and behavior for cartographic and digital data production. Production business rules, documents, and spatial information are stored inside the product library, allowing an organization to enforce and standardize production. Data model information, data validation rules, geographic extents, symbology rules, and map documents can all be managed inside the product library as examples of production business rules.

A product library can also contain the data for production and be a production database. When this is the case, the geodatabase contains tables from the schema of a product library and production database.

Production database

A production database contains the data you are using for production tasks such as creating and updating features. Depending on the data model you are using, data in a production database can be used to create a digital or hard-copy map or chart or a specific type of data.

Tabla Reviewer

La Tabla Reviewer es un contenedor de todos los resultados de las comprobaciones y cualquier revisión de calidad manual que se lleve a cabo en los datos. Proporciona una forma de rastrear los registro desde el momento que se registran en el tabla hasta la verificación de la corrección.

Espacio de trabajo de Reviewer

El espacio de trabajo de Reviewer es una geodatabase que contiene las talas y datasets asociados con una sesión de Reviewer. Las tablas contienen los resultados de las comprobaciones de Reviewer que se han ejecutado en los datos así como cualquier personalización que se haya aplicado a través del cuadro de diálogo Propiedades de la tabla Reviewer. Las propiedades avanzadas que se han configurado para las sesiones de Reviewer también se almacenan en este espacio de trabajo.


A subgrouping of a product class based on a common geographic area or presentation style. A series is useful for subdividing product classes that have a large number of products. Some common geographic series can be based on a state, country, or any part thereof. A series could also be defined based on appearance such as a common page size or layout for a product class that produces maps.

Straight line diagram

A diagram of a linear referencing route feature where the route is depicted as a straight line instead of showing the geometry of the feature. Such diagrams include one straight line to represent the route and additional rows above or below the route to depict events or features along the road. Straight line diagrams are often used for highway or pipeline management.

Visual specification

A collection of rules that manage representation symbology and label fields for many layers. You can apply these rules to multiple layers using the Calculate Visual Specifications tool.
