Manage Existing Segmentation Analyses

Select Manage Existing Segmentation Analysis to view, modify, delete, or rename/edit comments for reports, maps, and charts that you have previously created.

  1. Click Target Marketing > Segmentation Charts, Maps, Reports from the Business Analyst drop-down menu.
  2. Choose Manage existing segmentation analyses and click Next.

View Analysis(es)

Use this option to view one or many reports, maps, or charts that you have previously created. Use Search and Filter to look for specific analyses. For example, you can type "game plan" in the filter box to display only Game Plan Chart analyses. Choose View Analysis(es) and click Finish.

Modify Analysis

Use this option to modify an existing segmentation report, map, or chart by overwriting it with a new segmentation report, map, or chart.

  1. Use Search and Filter to look for specific analyses.

    For example, you can type "game plan" in the filter box to display only Game Plan Chart analyses.

  2. Select the report, map, or chart you wish to overwrite, select Modify Analysis then click Next.
  3. Select the option you would like to use to overwrite the existing report, map, or chart you selected.

    For more information on the steps for each of these segmentation analyses creation methods, see Create Segmentation Reports, Create Segmentation Maps, and Create Segmentation Charts.

Delete Analysis(es)

Use this option to delete an existing segmentation report, map, or chart. Use Search and Filter to look for specific analyses. For example, you can type "game plan" in the filter box to display only Game Plan Chart analyses. Select one or many of the segmentation reports, maps, or charts you want to delete by highlighting them from the list box. Click Delete Selected.

Rename or Edit comments

Use this option to rename an existing segmentation report, map, or chart or to modify the comments associated with a segmentation analysis.

  1. Use Search and Filter to look for specific analyses.

    For example, you can type game plan in the filter box to display only Game Plan Chart analyses.

  2. Select the report, map, or chart you want to rename or edit comments by highlighting it from the list box.
  3. Click Rename or Edit Comments and click Next.
  4. Edit the segmentation analysis name or comments as desired and click Finish.