ClosestFacilitySolverProperties (


Provides access to analysis properties from a closest facility network analysis layer. The GetSolverProperties function is used to obtain a ClosestFacilitySolverProperties object from a closest facility network analysis layer.


The ClosestFacilitySolverProperties object provides read and write access to all the analysis properties of a closest facility network analysis layer. The object can be used to modify the desired analysis properties of the closest facility layer, and the corresponding layer can be re-solved to determine the appropriate results. A new closest facility layer can be created using the Make Closest Facility Layer geoprocessing tool. Obtaining the ClosestFacilitySolverProperties object from a new closest facility layer allows you to reuse the existing layer for subsequent analyses rather than create a new layer for each analysis, which can be slow.

After modifying the properties on the ClosestFacilitySolverProperties object, the corresponding layer can be immediately used with other functions and geoprocessing tools. There is no refresh or update of the layer required to honor the changes modified through the object.


PropiedadExplicaciónTipo de datos
(Lectura y escritura)

Provides the ability to get or set a list of network cost attributes that are accumulated as part of the analysis. An empty list, [], indicates that no cost attributes are accumulated.

(Lectura y escritura)

Provides the ability to get or set the parameterized attributes to be used in the analysis. The property returns a Python dictionary. The dictionary key is a two-value tuple consisting of the attribute name and the parameter name. The value for each item in the dictionary is the parameter value.

Parameterized network attributes are used to model some dynamic aspect of an attribute's value. For example, a tunnel with a height restriction of 12 feet can be modeled using a parameter. In this case, the vehicle's height in feet should be specified as the parameter value. If the vehicle is taller than 12 feet, this restriction will then evaluate to true, thereby restricting travel through the tunnel. Similarly, a bridge could have a parameter to specify a weight restriction.

Attempting to modify the attributeParameters property in place won't result in updated values. Instead, you should always use a new dictionary object to set values for the property. The following two code blocks demonstrate the difference between these two approaches.

#Don't attempt to modify the attributeParameters property in place.
#This coding method won't work.

solverProps.attributeParameters[('HeightRestriction', 'RestrictionUsage')] = "PROHIBITED"
#Modify the attributeParameters property using a new dictionary object.
#This coding method works. 

params = solverProps.attributeParameters
params[('HeightRestriction', 'RestrictionUsage')] = "PROHIBITED"
solverProps.attributeParameters = params
If the network analysis layer does not have parameterized attributes, this property returns None.

(Lectura y escritura)

Provides the ability to get or set the default impedance value at which the solver will stop searching for facilities for a given incident. A value of None is used to specify that no cutoff should be used.

(Lectura y escritura)

Provides the ability to get or set the number of closest facilities to find per incident.

(Lectura y escritura)

Provides the ability to get or set the network cost attribute used as impedance. This cost attribute is minimized while determining the closest facility and the best route to the closest facility.

(Lectura y escritura)

Provides the ability to get or set the shape type for the route features that are output by the solver. The following is a list of possible values:

  • TRUE_LINES_WITH_MEASURESThe output routes will have the exact shape of the underlying network sources. Furthermore, the output includes route measurements for linear referencing. The measurements increase from the first stop and record the cumulative impedance to reach a given position.
  • TRUE_LINES_WITHOUT_MEASURESThe output routes will have the exact shape of the underlying network sources.
  • STRAIGHT_LINESThe output route shape will be a single straight line between each of the incident-facility pair.
  • NO_LINESNo shape will be generated for the output routes.
(Lectura y escritura)

Provides the ability to get or set a list of restriction attributes that are applied for the analysis. An empty list, [], indicates that no restriction attributes are used for the analysis.

(Sólo lectura)

Returns the name of the solver being referenced by the ArcGIS 10.1 Network Analyst layer used to obtain the solver properties object. The property always returns the string value Closest Facility Solver when accessed from a ClosestFacilitySolverProperties object.

(Lectura y escritura)

Provides the ability to get or set the time and date at which the routes should begin or end. The interpretation of this value depends on whether timeOfDayUsage property is set to START_TIME or END_TIME. A value of None can be used to specify that no date and time should be used.

Instead of using a particular date, a day of the week can be specified using the following dates.

  • Hoy, 30/12/1899
  • Domingo, 31/12/1899
  • Lunes, 1/1/1900
  • Martes, 2/1/1900
  • Miércoles, 3/1/1900
  • Jueves, 4/1/1900
  • Viernes, 5/1/1900
  • Sábado, 6/1/1900

For example, to specify that the route should start or end at 8:00 AM on Monday, specify the value as datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 8,0,0).

(Lectura y escritura)

Controls whether the value of the timeOfDay property represents the arrival or departure times for the routes. The following is a list of possible values:

  • END_TIMEThe routes arrive at the facilities or incidents at the time you set in the timeOfDay property. This choice is useful if arrival time is more important; that is, you want to know what time you need to leave in order to arrive at your destination at a given time.
  • START_TIMEThe routes depart from the facilities or incidents at the time you set in the timeOfDay property. This choice is useful to find the best routes given a departure time.
  • NOT_USEDThe routes do not use a start or end time and date. This choice should be used if the timeOfDay property has a value of None.
(Lectura y escritura)

Provides the ability to get or set the direction of travel between facilities and incidents during the analysis. The following is a list of possible values:

  • TRAVEL_FROMDirection of travel is from facilities to incidents
  • TRAVEL_TODirection of travel is from incidents to facilities
(Lectura y escritura)

Controls the use of the hierarchy attribute while performing the analysis. The following is a list of possible values:

  • USE_HIERARCHY Use the hierarchy attribute for the analysis. Using a hierarchy results in the solver preferring higher-order edges to lower-order edges. Hierarchical solves are faster, and they can be used to simulate the preference of a driver who chooses to travel on freeways over local roads when possible—even if that means a longer trip. This option is applicable only if the network dataset referenced by the Network Analyst layer has a hierarchy attribute. A value of True can also be used to specify this option.
  • NO_HIERARCHYDo not use the hierarchy attribute for the analysis. Not using a hierarchy yields an exact route for the network dataset. A value of False can also be used to specify this option.
(Lectura y escritura)

Provides the ability to get or set the policy that indicates how the U-turns at junctions that could occur during network traversal between stops are being handled by the solver. The following is a list of possible values:

  • ALLOW_UTURNSU-turns are permitted at junctions with any number of connected edges.
  • NO_UTURNSU-turns are prohibited at all junctions, regardless of junction valency. Note, however, that U-turns are still permitted at network locations even when this setting is chosen; however, you can set the individual network locations' CurbApproach property to prohibit U-turns there as well.
  • ALLOW_DEAD_ENDS_ONLYU-turns are prohibited at all junctions, except those that have only one adjacent edge (a dead end).
  • ALLOW_DEAD_ENDS_AND_INTERSECTIONS_ONLYU-turns are prohibited at junctions where exactly two adjacent edges meet but are permitted at intersections (junctions with three or more adjacent edges) and dead ends (junctions with exactly one adjacent edge). Oftentimes, networks have extraneous junctions in the middle of road segments. This option prevents vehicles from making U-turns at these locations.

Ejemplo de código

ClosestFacilitySolverProperties example (Python window)

The script shows how to update a closest facility network analysis layer to find three facilities without using a cutoff value. It assumes that a closest facility layer called Closest Hospitals has been created in a new map document based on the tutorial network dataset for San Francisco region.

#Get the closest facility layer object from a layer named "Closest Hospitals" in
#the table of contents
cfLayer = arcpy.mapping.Layer("Closest Hospitals")

#Get the closest facility solver properties object from the closest facility layer
solverProps =

#Update the properties for the closest facility layer using the closest facility
#solver properties object
solverProps.defaultCutoff = None
solverProps.defaultTargetFacilityCount = 3

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