Filter (arcpy)


The filter object allows you to specify the choices available for a parameter.


El objeto de filtro le permite especificar las opciones disponibles del parámetro para el usuario. Por ejemplo, puede configurar un filtro de campo que limita las opciones a sólo campos de texto. Un filtro realiza tres trabajos:

Hay dos formas de especificar los filtros:


PropiedadExplicaciónTipo de datos
(Lectura y escritura)

If you do not want to filter values, set the list property to an empty list.

The datatype specifiied depends on the filter type (ValueList, Range, FeatureClass, File, Field, and Workspace).

(Lectura y escritura)

The type of filter (ValueList, Range, FeatureClass, File, Field, and Workspace). You can set the type of filter when dealing with Long and Double parameters. For other types of parameters, there is only one valid type of filter, so setting the type on these parameters is ignored. If you do not want to filter values, set the List property to an empty list.


Ejemplo de código

Filter example

An example of dynamically updating a Value List Filter containing a choice list of keywords. If the user enters "OLD_FORMAT" in the second parameter, the third parameter contains "POINT, LINE, and POLYGON". If "NEW_FORMAT" is entered, the third parameter contains three additional choices.

class ToolValidator:
  def __init__(self): 
    import arcpy 
    self.params = arcpy.GetParameterInfo()

  def initializeParameters(self):

  def updateParameters(self):
    # Provide default values for "file format type" and 
    #  "feature type in file"
    if not self.params[1].altered:
      self.params[1].value = "OLD_FORMAT"
    if not self.params[2].altered:
      self.params[2].value = "POINT"

    # Update the value list filter of the "feature type in file" parameter 
    #   depending on the type of file (old vs. new format) input
    if self.params[1].value == "OLD_FORMAT":
      self.params[2].filter.list = ["POINT", "LINE", "POLYGON"]
    elif self.params[1].value == "NEW_FORMAT":
      self.params[2].filter.list = ["POINT", "LINE", "POLYGON",


  def updateMessages(self):
Filter example 2

An example where the Value List Filter in the second parameter changes based on the shape type found in the first parameter, a feature class.

def updateParameters(self):
    # Update the value list filter in the second parameter based on the 
    #   shape type in the first parameter
    stringFilter = self.params[1].filter
    fc = self.params[0].value
    if fc:
        shapetype = arcpy.Describe(fc).shapeType.lower()
        if shapetype == "point" or shapetype == "multipoint":
            stringFilter.list = ["RED", "GREEN", "BLUE"]
        elif shapetype == "polygon":
            stringFilter.list = ["WHITE", "GRAY", "BLACK"]
            stringFilter.list = ["ORANGE", "INDIGO", "VIOLET"]
        stringFilter.list = ["RED", "GREEN", "BLUE"]

    # If the user hasn't changed the keyword value, set it to the default value
    #  (first value in the value list filter).
    if not self.params[1].altered:
        self.params[1].value = stringFilter.list[0]

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