CheckProduct (arcpy)


Checks to see if the requested license is available.


CheckProduct (product)
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

Product code for the product being checked.

  • arcviewArcGIS for Desktop Basic product code
  • arceditorArcGIS for Desktop Standard product code
  • arcinfoArcGIS for Desktop Advanced product code
  • engineEngine Runtime product code
  • enginegeodbEngine Geodatabase Update product code
  • arcserver Server product code
Valor de retorno
Tipo de datosExplicación

There are five possible return values for CheckProduct:

  • AlreadyInitalized License has already been set in the script.
  • Available The requested license is available to be set.
  • Unavailable The requested license is unavailable to be set.
  • NotLicensed The requested license is not valid.
  • Failed A system failure occurred during the request.

Ejemplo de código

CheckProduct example

Check to see if an ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced license is available.

import arcpy
from arcpy import env
import sys

env.workspace = "C:/Data/World.gdb"
if arcpy.CheckProduct("ArcInfo") == "Available":
    arcpy.PolygonToLine_management("Lakes", "LakeLines")
    print "ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced license not available"
    sys.exit("ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced license not available")

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