Introducing schematic rules

Starting from specified input data with which it is supposed to deal, Schematics builders create the schematic features expected in a diagram in the memory. Schematics rules can then operate on the in-memory schematic features to automatically simplify diagram content (reduction rules) or create new schematic features, such as containers (relationship rules), in the diagrams. These rules automatically go into action during diagram generation and updating as soon as the schematic builder finishes its generation/update work in the memory. Then, when the diagram is stored in the schematic dataset at the end of the process, its content reflects both the builder work and rules work.

With the Schematics extension, eight schematic rules are installed by default:


  1. You can also use the Schematics API to develop your own custom rule.
  2. Rules must be configured in Schematic Dataset Editor at the schematic diagram template level.
Learn more about configuring rules

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