Planificación del uso de los océanos

ArcGIS for Ocean Use Planning es una comunidad de profesionales de SIG que se dedica a ayudar a las agencias de los gobiernos locales, estatales y federales a aplicar SIG en diversos ámbitos y actividades.

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  • by David Northup, GIS Analyst, Integrated Spatial Solutions Inc. (ISSI) The modeling application was designed for a hydroelectric power production system in CA.  The system is located in the central Sierra Nevada Mountains, and is comprised of 6 major reservoirs, … Continue reading

  • by Rich Nauman, Product Engineer, Esri. Do you need to use soil data in your analysis? Simply open the SSURGO Downloader Application, navigate to your project area, click the map to open a pop-up and then click the download link … Continue reading

  • by Tommy Dewald, USEPA Office of Water The National Hydrography Dataset Plus (NHDPlus) is a suite of geospatial products that build upon and extend the capabilities of the NHD (1:100,000 scale) by integrating it with the National Elevation Dataset (30M) … Continue reading

  • by Johnny Sullivan, Graduate Research Assistant, Center for Research in Water Resources, The University of Texas at Austin, It is unclear at present exactly how climate change will affect global precipitation patterns on a long-term time scale. The Intergovernnmental … Continue reading

  • On Wednesday September 19th, Apple will release a new version of their mobile operating system (iOS 6.0) ahead of launching new iPhone 5 devices. In certifying the final release seed of iOS 6.0 we have uncovered several problems with the … Continue reading