Mobile content server

The mobile content server is a secured component of ArcGIS Server where mobile projects are stored and shared. When you upload a mobile project through the Mobile Project Center (MPC) to a content server (read Sharing mobile projects for more information), the project is packaged and uploaded as a .wmpk Windows Mobile package file. When your field crew downloads it from the content server, field applications automatically extract the mobile project and store it locally on the mobile device for field operations (read Downloading projects and operational map layers for more information).

The mobile content server provides a web interface for you to organize mobile projects. Depending on your access rights, you can perform actions including creating/deleting folders/mobile projects, and viewing/downloading projects.

Accessing the mobile content server

You can manage your mobile projects in your content server through its Representational State Transfer (REST) endpoint. The uniform resource locator (URL) of the REST endpoint takes the following format: http[s]://<server name>:<port number>/<ArcGIS-instance>/mobile/content. When the page opens in a web browser, you need to provide credentials to log in. After logging in, you see a list of two repositories of content storage: WindowsMobile and MobileWeb, as shown below:

Mobile content server root page

While WindowsMobile is the repository for storing your mobile projects, MobileWeb is for storing maps used by the ArcGIS application running on smart phones.

Security mechanism in the mobile content server

The mobile content server inherits the same security mechanism as ArcGIS Server, meaning that it uses the same authentication method and user store as ArcGIS Server.

The mobile content server controls access by using a role-based security model. To perform administrative operations such as moving or deleting a mobile project, you need at least publisher's privilege. To perform non-administrative functions, you need at least user's privilege. See the table below for details:

Function types

Role types


Administrative functions

Administrator, publisher

Creates a folder

Deletes a folder

Uploads/adds mobile project

Moves mobile project

Deletes mobile project

Non-administrative functions

Administrator, publisher, user

Views mobile project

Downloads mobile project

Managing projects in the mobile content server

To learn more about how to manage folders and mobile projects on the mobile content server, read Managing projects in mobile content server.
