Mobile geoprocessing tools

ArcGIS for Windows Mobile comes with the Create Mobile Cache and Synchronize Mobile Cache tools that work with versions 10 and 10.1 of ArcGIS for Desktop. Using these geoprocessing tools, you can check-in and checkout map data without going through the server workflow. The mobile geoprocessing tools also allow you to control what map layers are included and synced for your field operation and whether or not attachments are supported.

You can find the mobile geoprocessing tools in ArcCatalog at the following location:

Location of mobile geoprocessing tools

Create Mobile Cache

You can use the Create Mobile Cache tool to generate a mobile cache directly from an ArcMap document using its full extent.


If you're using ArcGIS for Windows Mobile 10.0 or earlier, this tool generates a mobile cache with a .amp document that includes default settings for a project. However, current release of this tool only creates a mobile cache. You need to use Mobile Project Center to create a mobile project, then add the mobile cache to the project.

The Create Mobile Cache dialog box is shown in the following screen shot:
Create Mobile Cache tool

If layers are missing from the Layers list, verify that your map document contains layers supported by ArcGIS for Windows Mobile. To learn more about supported layers, see Supported layer and data types.

You can choose the layer or layers to checkout and determine whether attachments will be included. With a successfully created cache, when you author a mobile project in Mobile Project Center, Mobile Project Center adds a copy of the cache as an offline data source. In this case, when Mobile Project Center deploys a mobile project, the cache is deployed with it so your field crew can work in an offline environment.

Synchronize Mobile Cache

You can use the Synchronize Mobile Cache tool to check-in an updated mobile cache and the attachments files (if available) with its originating ArcMap document. You can also download updates from the back-end data store to the mobile cache.


When you check data back in to the map document using the tool, ensure that the specified cache is the one in the mobile project folder from your field device, not the cache originally created by the Create Mobile Cache tool (which typically resides on your desktop).

The Synchronize Mobile Cache dialog box is shown in the following screen shot:

Synchronize Mobile Cache tool

If layers are missing from the Layers list, verify that your map document contain layers supported by ArcGIS for Windows Mobile. To learn more about supported layers, see Supported layer and data types.
